Homemade Vanilla Pudding Recipe- Vegan, Refined Sugar Free Options
I love pudding. My kids really love pudding as well. Who doesn’t love pudding? My kids would love if I would give them pudding every day, but buying pudding can get pretty expensive, and I don’t even want to think about all the junk in the pudding from the store. So I just make my […]
Step Into My (Low-Cost) Office
This is a guest post. Step Into My (Low-Cost) Office Running a home office has many advantages: it’s easier to get to work and to focus, and work is completed more quickly and creatively. The downside to running a home office is that all expenses relating to your office are yours and yours alone. For […]
Homemade All Purpose Spice Mix Recipe- Ideal for Roasting and Grilling
I’ve discovered my new favorite spice mix. I use it on everything. It works well with chicken or fish, or on any roasted or grilled veggies. I first ever made this with cauliflower, but it tasted so great that I decided to try it out on roasted chicken and it was terrific. Since then I’ve […]
How To Take Apart Wooden Pallets To Use For Building
Yesterday morning, as I left my house to take the boys to school, I saw two large wooden pallets sitting in the dumpster. There are so many things you can do with wooden pallets, including making it into furniture, so I really wanted those wooden pallets. Only they’re big and bulky, and we live in […]
How to Lower Your Travel Costs- From the Basics to the Very Extreme
Today, I was doing some thinking about the trip I took to the US in January for 2 weeks, and remembered that I had a post I wanted to write about cheap traveling that I just… never got around to writing. Until today. (You know how that works, life gets in the way.) So, at […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
We had a good, frugal week in our household. Rose is still fully cloth diapered and exclusively nursed, and we’re still working on potty training with Anneliese so not using so many diapers for her. I was trying to make a big emphasis on serving more legumes this week so as to bring down our […]
A Tribute to My Grandma
Even though today is Father’s Day, I won’t be posting about my dad, but rather, about my grandmother, Grandma Ruth, who passed away Thursday evening, one month shy of her 81st birthday. My Grandma Ruth and me, on May 29, 2014. She was a special lady. Growing up, she lived an ocean away from us, […]
Grocery Shopping Challenge and More Free Produce
After seeing how high my grocery bill total was last month ($619), I decided to try to do my best to lower our grocery bill this month, and we have been doing pretty well. We now have 10 days more of the month, and I set a cap for the amount I would like to […]
How I Got Lots of Free Fruit Today
This morning, I started out with a pretty empty fridge. I am planning on taking a trip to the farmer’s market to stock up on produce, so all I had today in my fridge, practically, was carrots. Now, hours later, I have an additional 35.5 lbs of fruit that I got entirely free. Let me […]
How I Fixed My Son’s Broken Sandal
I bought my sons sandals in April, since the weather here is good enough by then to wear sandals, which my boys live in until October or so. Unfortunately, despite my not buying the cheapest pairs of sandals I could find, Lee’s sandals were very close to breaking to the point of being unwearable. The […]