Frugal Accomplishments This Week

I had a long day, I’m exhausted, so I’ll keep this intro short, and I’m not going to elaborate much on the notes I took all week. I had a pretty good and frugal week. General frugal stuff we did- laundry was all line dried, Rose was exclusively cloth diapered… Sunday: Made pancakes for breakfast. […]

Cold Beet Borscht Recipe- Dairy Free, Vegan Option, Refined Sugar Free Option

Beets are cheap now. And they’re healthy. So I like to make beet dishes now when I can. This chilled beet borsht recipe is one I kind of made up myself, based on different recipes I read. Beet borscht is usually sweetened with sugar, and served with chopped cucumber, hard boiled eggs, baked potatoes, and […]

The Connection Between Aggressiveness and Conformity to Society

This morning, I was at a social get together with a bunch of ladies from my community. We’re a group of ex-pat Americans living in another country, so we identify with each other and have a lot of similar issues when it comes to raising our kids in the manner that we see best, with […]

Treasure Hunting in a Clothing Mountain- Super Cheap Clothes Shopping Trip

With all the spring cleaning that people have been doing lately, our local second hand store is overflowing with donations. So much so that they have no room to put anything, and took an empty warehouse and used that to store all the clothing donations temporarily. The warehouse needs to be emptied as soon as possible, […]

Homemade Cream Cheese Recipe- Easy and Simple

I have to say that I just love cream cheese. I hadn’t had it in a long time, since I have an issue with dairy. As of 2 years ago, even having goats’ milk yogurt made me feel nauseous, and even little bits of butter made me feel sick. But, I’ve been working a lot […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

I feel like I’m finally getting my frugal groove back. I still am doing some decidedly unfrugal things like using disposable dishes and such, still taking it easy with the household task that I hate most- dish washing- and am using disposable diapers for Anneliese… but am being pretty good about being frugal in all […]

Homemade Horseradish and Beet Sauce Recipe- AKA Khrayn

I have a love for spicy things. Take any bland dish, add some hot sauce or hot peppers or black pepper or red pepper flakes, and you automatically have a dish that is much more pleasing to my palate. I like things hot, but not super hot- my favorite salsa growing up was the mild […]

How To Make Homemade Placenta Pills- AKA Placental Encapsulation Tutorial

I was waiting to write this post for a while already, waiting till I had definitive results before I wrote a post writing all the cool stuff about placental encapsulation and taking placenta pills, but, unfortunately, I can’t say 100% whether or not taking placenta pills helped me. There’s a definite possibility, but I am […]