How to Save Money- In a Nutshell
Homemade Green Tabasco Sauce In a local money saving group, someone asked for a “crash course of living within her means”. I started writing this out as a post for her… then realized how long it would be, so made it into a blog post instead, because what I wrote isn’t just applicable locally, but […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
This past week’s frugal accomplishments, in many ways, are more in that I specifically did NOT do things, less that I did things. Meaning, I had many opportunities to spend money, lots of temptations… but I was very good and specifically did not spend money. Mike and the kids were all on spring break, everyone […]
Homemade Coconut Macaroons Recipe- With Chocolate Flavored, Vegan and Refined Sugar Free Options
When trying to make grain free desserts, most recipes you’ll find are nut based, which isn’t so cheap. Alternatively, they use other expensive or hard to find ingredients, or are very complicated and time consuming to make. Macaroons are a cheaper alternative to nut based grain free cookies, since coconut is generally cheaper per pound, […]
Grain Free Vegan Potato Pizza Crust, Flatbread, Wraps, and Crackers Recipe
Pizza with homemade tomato sauce, mushrooms, olives, and vegan cheese sauce made with homemade almond milk I was playing around in the kitchen yesterday, trying to make a vegan potato based, gluten free, grain free pizza crust. I made a huge amount (three times the amount listed here) and after making 2 pizza crusts, that, […]
Perfect Pot Roast With Mushrooms and White Wine Recipe- Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Nightshade Free
Unfortunately, the only pic I got of it was when it was nearly finished. The potatoes aren’t part of the recipe. Just reheated together. You know what’s annoying? Sometimes, when you’re experimenting in the kitchen, you meticulously write down the exact recipe so you can make it again… and it flops. And other times, your […]
How to Protect Your Family From Underinsurance
This is a guest post. Research shows that 95% of Australians do not have adequate levels of life insurance. Even though many Australians have some degree of life insurance included within their Superannuation, it is thought that many are still underinsured by $100,000 or more. Insufficient amounts of life insurance will mean that your family […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week
This past week has been a bit of a crazy week in our house. The kids are on spring break, and since my husband works in a school, he also is on spring break, so we took the time to do a lot of spring cleaning. Frugality wasn’t uppermost in my mind- cleaning was… And […]
Suave Coupons at Dollar General
While many people, like myself, chose to make their own hygiene and beauty products, more people prefer to buy them ready made at the store, ideally for as little money as possible. Dollar General is offering coupons on some of their Suave products- click here to play their Mix n Matching game to see the […]
Turkey and Greens Roll Up aka Swirled Turkey Loaf Recipe- Gluten Free, Egg Free, Grain Free
I had wanted to post this recipe for my turkey and wild greens roll up that I made for Thanksgiving dinner already months and months ago, if not over a year ago. But of course, as things happen, I forgot entirely about it, and every single time I went to post it, something else came […]
My Frugal Accomplishments This Week
I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things, leaving the house a bit more, but still trying my best to take it easy. Frugal things I’m doing, predominantly, are things that save more money using as little energy as possible. People have commented to me “You just had a baby- you need to forget […]