Be Your Own Florist- Making Homemade, Free Bouquets
Yesterday, my 2 year old, Anneliese needed to get out of the house and get some fresh air, so I decided to leave the sleeping baby with my husband and go on a short, quick walk with my daughter. While we were walking, I noticed the abundance of beautiful flowers and foliage growing on a path […]
How To Cut Up A Whole Raw Chicken Into Individual Portions- Video Tutorial
Yesterday, I went to the grocery store and whole chickens were sold at incredibly low prices. Whole chickens, locally, are always cheaper to buy than buying individual parts, especially if you’re talking about parts like chicken breasts and thighs, which are some of the most expensive parts per pound locally. (If you want to check […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week With a New Baby
As I predicted last week, this past week was one in which I can’t claim to have had lots of frugal accomplishments. I mean, I barely spent any money at all… but that’s in large part due to the goodness and warmth and generosity of my wonderful community and less because of any specific frugal […]
Rose’s Birth Story- A Beautiful and Easy Homebirth
On Friday night, my little girl, Rose, was born at home in a very beautiful and empowering and relatively easy home birth. I like sharing my birth stories with people- I’ve written up every single one so far, and shared Anneliese’s birth story on my blog, because I find there are too many “scare stories” […]
How to Make Sprouted Wheat/Spelt/Anything Flour–Picture Tutorial!
Grinding sprouted flour I will be trying to force myself to take it easy for the next few weeks now that I gave birth, because I know I have a tendency to push myself, but I do need to take it easy if I want to be back to 100% normal faster. But I don’t want […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week
This post was written over the last week, and as you can see, towards the end of the week, I had less and less to write about as I was just involved in getting the baby to come already, and then dealing with a newborn, so… I’m not elaborating on the notes I jotted down […]
Gluten Free Dairy Free Meals that Everyone Can Make

When I was in the US in January, I stayed at my sister in law, Michelle’s house. She wanted me to write a post about how it was when I stayed there, that the biggest lesson for her was that, though it sounds scary for her at first to make food for me that I’d […]
How New Generation Heating Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Loosen the Strain on your Wallet…
This is a guest post. Hopefully you’ll enjoy learning about these green, energy efficient and frugal ways to heat your home. Lately, we’ve all been feeling the squeeze when it comes to heating our homes and keeping the lights on. Anyone who’s been keeping an eye on the news or obsesses over their energy bills […]
Introducing the newest member of the Penniless family, a little girl, born Friday night at 10:45 pm, in the most beautiful, easiest home birth ever. Ike wanted to know why we didn’t name her Rose… So… That is how she will be known on this blog. I’ll write up the birth story as soon as […]
Homemade Gravlax Recipe- Cured Salmon, Sugar Free
I definitely wasn’t planning on posting or sharing this recipe originally. This blog is about money saving, and when I splurge and make something expensive for myself, I don’t necessarily want to announce that to the world that I just spent so much money on something… For my birthday, I really wanted to make some […]