Nifty Ways to Save on 2014 Taxes

With tax season almost upon us, I thought you’d enjoy this guest post on ways to help you save more money on your taxes. Tax season can be nerve wracking regardless of which tax bracket you fall into. Between collecting receipts, filling out the forms and poring through the tax codes it’s enough to make […]

Stocking Up On Sales- When Is It Worth It?

A view of my currently half empty stockpile… why I don’t mind stocking up on more things. (Pic taken before shelving today’s shop.) My husband, Mike, and I, have a disagreement when it comes to a certain frugal strategy, and I know that both his opinion and mine are valid. I decided to share both […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

This week, I think I did ok in terms of frugality, etc… Nothing super spectacular in my opinion, certain things I did regularly the past few weeks, in terms of cloth diapering and potty training, etc… lay by the wayside. It was very rainy and icky weather this past week, so I felt it curtailed […]

Cleaning and Decluttering For Baby’s Arrival

Anneliese, a few hours old. NOT the new baby (who hasn’t been born yet)! This is just illustrative. My husband and I have been cleaning the house, and especially our bedroom the past few days. Reason being? Nesting instinct, I guess, because it definitely needs to be done before the baby is born. Our home […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

How was your week? My week was pretty good, pretty frugal. I am proud of myself and my frugal accomplishments this week. Some of them were easy, but some definitely took a lot of self control, and that’s where I am most proud of myself. Sunday– Acquired some kitchen utensils (soup tureen, a metal tea […]

Stocking Up At An Incredible Sale

My groceries. I had no energy to lay them out pretty for a picture- so here are the filled bags!Anneliese REFUSED to leave the picture’s frame.. A few days ago, when I was waiting for the bus, I saw this poster announcing this sale on groceries by a certain local organization that tries to provide […]

Carrot Soup with Crunchy Chickpeas and Tahini Recipe

Have you ever had a ton of carrots and wondered what delicious foods you can make with them? Wonder no more. I bought close to 10 pounds of carrots when I saw them at a ridiculously low price, and then I was wondering what to do with them. This carrot soup recipe was the perfect […]

Save and Live

This is a guest post. Things have changed and frugality is not just a way to live with fewer dollars per month anymore, it also represents a lifestyle in harmony with nature, less invasive and more environmentally friendly. The era of mass consumption has left us with a planet in trouble: climate change, impoverished populations… […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

You have no idea how frustrated I am! All week long I was tracking my frugal accomplishments this week, and I was in the middle of editing my post when the whole thing got deleted, and no amount of CTRL Zing would get it back… So now I have to rewrite the post, filling it […]