Homemade Powdered Laundry Detergent Recipe
Since this seems to be the time of my life when I am doing a lot of “confessing”, I guess I have another confession to make- despite posting a recipe for homemade liquid laundry detergent 3 years ago on my blog… I haven’t used it in nearly that long. There’s a few reasons, but the […]
A Frugal Birthday Celebration for Mike and Me
Last Tuesday, Mike and I celebrated our birthdays- he turned 28, and I, 26. I have mentioned, probably at every birthday, my philosophy of birthday celebrations- I’m very much a believer in them. I think people deserve to be pampered one day a year, minimum, where they can feel special and don’t have to feel […]
My Frugal Accomplishments This Week
I recently started reading a great blog that is very up my alley, called “The Prudent Homemaker” who lives extremely frugally, but seems to have the same attitude as myself about it (trying to have the best life on as minimal a budget as possible). One thing she does each week is share a round […]
The Cloth Diaper Closet- A Cloth Diaper Lending Program
Do you have a baby, have a little one on the way, or planning on having a kid in the future? You probably are aware that one of the biggest expenses when it comes to babies is diapering. I cloth diaper my kids to save money, and try to use cheaper cloth diapers, such as […]
Pineapple Rind Drink Recipes- Zobo and Tepache
A few weeks ago I found pineapple really cheaply at the local farmer’s market- a special treat because pineapple is usually a fortune. I bought 5 pineapples, and we really enjoyed them! I had read about many uses of pineapple peels, and decided that I wanted to get the most from my pineapples, and not […]
Vegan Cauliflower Based Alfredo Sauce Recipe- Easy, Allergy Friendly and Delicious!
Recently I’ve seen this recipe pop up all over the internet- making a vegan, allergy friendly alfredo sauce from cauliflower, and it looked really good. I have to say that while the recipe looked very tempting- with cauliflower in season now, it can be purchased pretty cheaply, and it has no expensive or allergenic ingredients, […]
Homemade Gluten Free Pumpernickel Bread Recipe- Sugar Free, Including Vegan Option
Mock pumpernickel with Nordic style fixings After seeing a friend of mine post a recipe for homemade gravlax (a Nordic cured salmon dish) I really wanted to try it out, so decided that for my birthday I’d treat myself to a small piece of salmon and make gravlax. In researching how to make it (I […]
I Am Not Superwoman
Being “out there” on the web, sharing a lot about what I do, and how I live my life, as well as meal ideas and frugal strategies comes with its down sides. One of them is this notion that people have of me, that I’m some sort of Superwoman. If I had a 10 dollars […]
Orange or Tangerine or Clementine Citronette Recipe- Citrus Salad Dressing, Sugar Free
On Wednesday, I went to the farmer’s market, and got myself a bunch of produce for very little money from the “reduced rack store”. As I explained in my previous post on that store, I tell him how much money I’m willing to spend, and he fills bags for me, depending on what he wants […]
Date Sweetened Buckwheat Spice Cookies Recipe- Gluten Free, Vegan
I am always on the lookout for cheap desserts that I can serve my family, that don’t contain refined sugar. The problem is that refined sugar is so much cheaper than non refined sugars, that desserts made with the healthier sweeteners usually end up being so expensive to make… so I rarely feel justified in […]