Do you have a baby, have a little one on the way, or planning on having a kid in the future? You probably are aware that one of the biggest expenses when it comes to babies is diapering. I cloth diaper my kids to save money, and try to use cheaper cloth diapers, such as Econobum One Size Cloth Diapers… But I know that even though cloth diapering is cheaper in the long run, sometimes it is too large of an investment to be able to lay out, especially if you’re really short on cash like many of my readers are.
Therefore, when I was contacted and told about the Cloth Diaper Closet, a cloth diaper lending program for low income families, I thought it was a wonderful resource and was happy for Heather to share a little about why she chose to cloth diaper, and a little more about this program, so that hopefully you, too, would be able to benefit.
Hi! My name is Heather. I blog about natural and affordable ways to raise baby at Frugal Green Baby and also run The Cloth Diaper Closet, a lending program for families in need. I’m here today to show you how you can save money cloth diapering as well as help others in need!
How Cloth Diapering Saves Money:
No matter how you slice it, cloth diapering saves tons of money. A brand-new, basic cloth diaper stash can cost as little as $100, or over $400 if you exclusively use name brand AIO diapers, like bumGenius Freetime diapers. Add a package or two of cloth wipes, and you’ve got a completely re-useable system! Buying used or making your own for free are also very frugal options.
Coming up with $400 or even $100 up front may seem like a lot, but the cost of disposables for just 2 years really adds up- conservatively estimating around $1600 for generic diapers! Please note, this does not even include the cost of wipes, which will add on a couple hundred.
The best part about cloth diapers is that the savings continue even after your child potty trains. Plan on having another? Just save the diapers and your cost to diaper the second one (and any others) is FREE! How outstanding is that?
Don’t plan on having any more kids? Cloth diapers have an excellent re-sale value! Depending on the style and brand, it is not difficult to get between 50-70% of the retail price. I have actually done this many times when testing out different diapers and it was not hard at all. Craigslist, diaper swappers, and even Facebook are great places to start.
Another option is to ‘pay it forward’ and pass on the diapers to a family in need. Every week, I get emails at The Cloth Diaper closet from families in desperate situations that are so greatful to receive the most basic used cloth diaper stash.
How the Cloth Diaper Closet was Born: