Thanksgiving Menu and Recipe Roundup- Gluten Free, Egg Free, Low Cost and Healthy

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I haven’t shared my menu yet! Can’t have that happening! I’m not making everything myself- my mom and I are splitting the work, but we’ve discussed the menu together and here’s what we came up with. Everything on the menu is gluten free, egg free, and refined sugar free (with one […]

Gluten Free Vegan Pumpkin Pie Recipe- Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free

I just made the most unbelievable pumpkin pie for our Thanksgiving dinner. It was unbelievable in many ways- firstly, it was just really awesome- it’s the reason why I am making the same exact recipe for pumpkin pie as I did last Thanksgiving- if something ain’t broke, don’t change it. Secondly, it’s unbelievable because it […]

My Pressure Cooker Saga

Or- Why you should always use your brain in the kitchen. Ever do something without thinking, for a split second, and then end up regretting that thoughtlessness for a long time after that? Welcome to my morning. I wanted to make some lentil soup for lunch, and the recipe called for chicken broth. I had […]

Falling into Sales Traps on Black Friday (and in General)

Thanksgiving is coming up. And what does that mean? Talking about what you appreciate in your life? Talking about the history of the holiday? Perhaps… but on the blogosphere, especially in the frugal blogosphere, the thanksgiving aspect of the holiday is severely overshadowed by the countless discussions about Black Friday, pre-Black Friday, and pre-pre Black […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week

It’s that time again where I share with you all the fabulously frugal things I’ve done this past week- hopefully to inspire you and show you ideas where money can potentially be saved. Here’s what I did to save money this past week: Sunday: Made buckwheat porridge for breakfast. Went shopping and stocked up on […]

How to Make Homemade Ghee- From Cow Butter and Goat Butter

And if you’re wondering why this container says gluten on it… lol… its from back in the day when I bought straight gluten to make seitan, and we stored it in this container. Have you ever heard of ghee before? I hadn’t heard of it until I started getting into eating traditional foods, and ghee […]

My Latest Shopping Trip

Sunday evening I went to the grocery store and I had an amazing shopping trip- for more reasons than one- and I just really wanted to share my scores with you. Since I’ve been trying to lose weight and have changed my diet up a bit (very minimal grains, lower carbs, and more animal proteins), […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week

It’s that time of the week where, once again, I do some reflection on the past week, and see whether or not I was spendy or frugal, and then share the frugal things with everyone. (Maybe once in a while I should have a “my frugal flops this past week”. Hahaha.) This past week was […]