How to Make a Homemade Weighted Blanket- Step By Step Instructions
I think everyone in my family has sensory issues. My kids have sensory issues and my husband and I also have. In fact, as I speak to more and more people, I think kids without sensory issues are a rarity- some just have it to more extremes than others. I’ve read that with kids with […]
Easy Green Buckwheat Porridge Recipe- Crockpot Option, Vegan, Gluten Free
One of the hardest things about being frugal and gluten free is figuring out good, cheap, healthy breakfasts. Porridge is an easy, cheap breakfast, but the standard porridge recipes are based on semolina wheat or oatmeal, both no nos for our family. I’ve made rice pudding before, but I find it annoying, because you first […]
Getting a Mother’s Helper- Life Changing
Image Credit: AKARAKINGDOMS- FreeDigitalPhotos If I had to name my biggest character defects, high on the list would probably be my messiness as well as my constant procrastination. This means that my house ends up usually getting very messy, and I have a hard time getting around to cleaning it up- something always comes up […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
Hey all, now’s that time of week where I share with you the various frugal things I and my family members did to save money over the past week. Starting today, hopefully I’ll be getting this post up on Sunday, and not Monday like I’ve been doing. Here’s what we did to save money this […]
Healthy Butternut Squash Pudding Recipe- GAPS Legal, Lower Carb, Vegan
I’ve been pretty good about this whole eating well to try to lose weight and get in shape, but I’ll be honest, the hardest part for me is the social aspect, since so much of the socialization in our culture revolves around food. I regularly go to this mom’s get together at brunch time, and […]
Making Plaster Cast Footprints- A Fun and Educational Kids Activity
It rained heavily the other day, and after the deluge stopped, I went outside with my children to enjoy the fresh air. Everything was wet; there was mud everywhere. In a patch of mud near our house, the kids and I spotted many prints made by various things- some animal prints, a bike tire tread, […]
Gluten Free Vegan French Toast Recipe
Its funny that, though my mom did most of the cooking in my house when I was a kid, most of my food memories involve my dad and the various things he cooked. Sunday mornings we would all sit around the kitchen table while my dad made something delicious- either pancakes from the New Settlement […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
Hello y’all! It’s that awesome time of the week, where I, once again, share what frugal things I did this week, hopefully to inspire and give ideas, as well as to share things that I do in my day to day life that don’t necessarily need a whole post to write about each one. I […]
Alicha Recipe- Ethiopian Vegetable Stew- Vegan, Paleo, GAPS Option
Last week I made a wonderful Ethiopian feast. In addition to the flat bread and doro wot (chicken stew) and misir wot (red lentil stew) that I made spiced with my homemade spicy berbere spice mix, I also made this delicious vegetable stew, not spicy at all, which everyone in my family loved- from the […]
Miso Glazed Salmon Head Recipe- Cheap and Absolutely Delicious
Oh my gosh. I just had such a scrumptious supper, maybe one of the best I’ve had in a while. The funniest thing about it is that while I thought I was in heaven while eating it, others probably would find the thought of it absolutely revolting. Because the centerpiece of my meal was half […]