My Latest Shopping Trip At Farmer’s Market
Now that I wrote yesterday’s blog post about my intention to lose weight and get in shape, I can finally write this post about my shopping trip yesterday at the farmer’s market. I had some produce in my fridge before going to the farmer’s market- don’t get me wrong. But I had some produce I […]
How I’m Trying To Lose Weight and Get Fit
Today’s lunch. (I had half the fish. The other half I ate for supper.) Some of you might remember that I posted 5.5 months ago, when I was 6.5 weeks postpartum, that I wanted to lose weight, and how I would try to lose weight. The reason that I wanted to lose weight was because I […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
Hello y’all! It’s that awesome time of the week, where I, once again, share what frugal things I did this week, hopefully to inspire and give ideas, as well as to share things that I do in my day to day life that don’t necessarily need a whole post to write about each one. This […]
Homemade Mild Berbere Spice Mix- Ethiopian Recipe
If you’ve been reading my blog for some time, you’ll be aware of the fact that I’m very into “ethnic” foods from various cultures around the world, especially cultures where they make low cost, vegan dishes, such as India or Mexico. Ethiopian food is one of those that I love, since it is super low […]
Homemade Chocolate Pudding Recipe- With Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding Option- Vegan, Refined Sugar Free, and Gluten Free
Who doesn’t like chocolate pudding? In my family, the answer is no one, and from the looks on the grocery store shelves, it seems to be very popular with the locals here as well. I like chocolate pudding, but I don’t like the ingredients in most chocolate pudding recipes, and the other recipes, my body […]
What I Learned From My Fridge and Freezer Troubles
When my husband and I went away about a month ago, we came home to a non working freezer. Since then the stuff in the freezer started frosting over and then defrosting, and I needed to fix the freezer on my own. And even after that, it stopped working well, and yet again, the past […]
I Just Made a Weaning Party
I did something I never did before. A few things, actually. I nursed a kid until 2 months shy of her third birthday- my first two kids I nursed until 19 months each, this one until 34 months. This is the first time I nursed all the way through a pregnancy and then nursed two […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
It’s that time again, that time where I share just how frugal (or not) I was in a week. Fortunately this past week as a good one, and I have a decent amount of frugal things I did to share with y’all. Here’s what I did this week to save money, divided by category: Frugal […]
Healthy Homemade Strawberry Jelly/Gummy Candies- Refined Sugar Free, Gluten Free
On Friday, I had the exciting enjoyment of emptying out my freezer, because it wasn’t working and things were starting to defrost- fortunately only just a drop defrosted, and not an entire freezer full like happened the last time. I’d left the freezer open a drop (something blocked the door) and some stuff defrosted enough […]
Chicken Piccata Recipe- Gluten Free and Dairy Free Options (With Vegan Suggestions)
I had never heard of chicken piccata until I was searching for recipes to make with the capers that I foraged, but it instantly appealed to me- capers, chicken and lemon sounded like a match made in heaven. Most versions of chicken piccata are made with gluten and dairy, as it is typically dredged in flour and […]