ThredUP’s 99 Cent Sale!

I am very lucky in that I live in an area with great thrift stores selling a variety of clothes at super low costs, and we also have clothing swaps where I am able to pass on old clothes and get new ones easily. Many people aren’t as lucky as I am, and either don’t […]

The Tricks and Gimmicks of the “Store Without Gimmicks”

There’s a chain of grocery stores in my area that has been getting a lot of press lately. While one chain (lets call it R Grocery) (the chain I usually shop at) is known for their great prices (overall the cost of a grocery cart there have been proven to be significantly less than at […]

Teaching Kids about Healthy Attitudes Towards Beauty, Health, and Weight

I think one of the hardest things about being a parent is trying to find the middle ground, to raise your kids with appropriate attitudes towards different things instead of falling to either extreme. I want to raise emotionally healthy children, with a healthy sense of self and self image, as well as with a […]

How to Get Self Published For Free! A Guest Post

Photo Credit- Bill Longshaw- I was 9 years old the first time I got published. For an aspiring writer, nothing is more intoxicating than seeing your name in print, especially for the first time. I’ve been a writer as long as I can remember, with many ideas of books I wanted to publish. But […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week and Accountability

This week has been challenging in more ways than one, but the main challenge being that 2 days this week we had no water, so it made it hard to be productive… We also had lots of rainy weather, which made laundry more difficult to do… Here’s my accountability for some specific struggles I’ve been […]

Bakso- Indonesian Meatball Soup Recipe- Gluten Free and Delicious!

I have this fascination with foreign cultures. If my life turned out differently than it did (like if I had more money, and no kids), I could definitely see myself being a world traveler, since I love learning about and experiencing foreign cultures. In fact, I was just discussing with Mike today, that whenever I […]

No Boil Gluten Free Vegan Mac and Cheese- With Butternut Squash

Nothing says comfort food like a big plate of mac and cheese. Being gluten free and dairy free and without access to vegan soy free cheeses like Daiya, it’s not so easy to make yummy mac and cheese. It usually involves a bunch of steps, and a bunch of pots, which I don’t always have […]

No Water ALL Day Is a Royal Pain

I started writing a few posts today, and stopped them all not long after I started. It’s been hard being productive today, hard for me to focus on anything… other than the crazy situation going on right now. A few hours after I woke up this morning, I got a message from my husband- we […]

My Latest Grocery Shopping Trip- and Challenge For Myself

Yesterday I went to the grocery store, since there were a few items I needed to stock up on- I’d completely emptied out my stores. But the thing is, I’ve been back at tracking my grocery shopping to the cent this past month, and yesterday was the last day of the month I was tracking, […]

Reader Shares: Very Frugal Turkey Breast and Ham

Image credit- Gualberto107; I got this email from a reader today, and I really loved what she did, so I asked her if she’d mind if I’d post it on my blog so you can benefit from it as well. She was happy for me to share. Hope you enjoy it! Hi there, My […]