Taking Inventory of my Stockpile

I’ve mentioned my stockpile many times in the past, but today I’m really thinking about it. We have a storm heading our way, and predictions are that roads will be closed, supermarkets will be either closed or empty due to lack of delivery, and everyone has been panicking, making sure that they have enough food […]

Hard Core Poor- A Book on Extreme Thrift by Kelly Sangree- A Book Review

Have you ever met someone, and thought to yourself that the two of you are kindred souls, that you just get each other completely? I have a good friend, Kelly Sangree, and even though we’ve never met in person, we are very close, since we seem to simply understand how the other one ticks. Kelly […]

Seafood Gumbo Recipe- Made with Salmon Scrap Broth, Paleo Legal, Low Carb

Brrrr… In the last little bit, it actually finally feels like winter here. We had a lot of sunny days this winter, where the kids were too hot in the sweatshirts I made them wear, days where the weather felt more like April than December. But make no mistake- winter is certainly here now. The […]

Homemade Plaster of Paris Candle Holders- Without Special Molds

The candle holders we painted at Anneliese’s birthday party. They’re really supposed to all be as deep as  the one on the left, but I ran out of plaster and the stores were closed… When I was planning Anneliese’s birthday party, I decided that I wanted to be decorating candle holders at the party, and […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week and Accountability for My Struggles

Hello there again, and thank you for tuning in to this week’s frugal accomplishment roundup, as well as my accountability challenge for the areas in which I struggle frugality-wise. Thankfully, it’s been a good week, where I haven’t slacked too much, and have been relatively productive in the frugal arena. So, as to accountability first […]

DIY T-Shirt Yarn Bracelet- Homemade Sensory Chew Toy

Do you have a kid that likes to chew on things? Some kids are sensory seeking, some kids just have this excess need to chew. It is just who they are… I recently discovered that one of my kids (who I shall not be naming) likes to chew on things. Specifically his shirt sleeves. His […]