I wanted to apologize for my rather long hiatus between postings… I’ve really been under the weather lately. Probably just a virus, but its knocked me out so much since Thursday, that I barely even have been able to sit up in bed, let alone get out of it, let alone long enough to write a blog post. Slowly I seem to be recovering…
For those that are concerned if I’ve been to a doctor- already Friday I’ve been to the doc and I have another appointment tomorrow morning.
I just wanted to let you know what is going on. No, the blog isn’t dying, nor have I run out of things to say. I just have been resting.
On the plus side… 😀 I finally got down to 165 lbs for like the first time in forever and I look great, even if I feel far from it.
P.S. Since I know everyone will assume so from this post, no, not pregnant. Lol.
Hopefully I’ll be fully better within the next few days, then back to my regular scheduled programming. I was already on the upward mend on Sunday, but needed to take my son to the urgent care center for an allergic reaction, and the day after that I got much worse again. Sign to me from my body that rest is what I need to get better. So no pushing myself anymore. And hopefully soon.