3 Lessons to Teach Your Teen About Car Maintenance

I don’t own a car, nor do I foresee myself owning a car any time in the near future, but I do know that most readers of this blog probably do own at least one car, if not two. Hopefully you’ll enjoy this post by a reader about things you can teach your kids about […]

My Daughters’ Fun and Frugal Last Minute Birthday Party

My life has been rather busy and full lately, all with good things, fortunately, but still very full. For that reason, things don’t always happen as promptly as I would like them to happen, which is why my daughters, whose birthdays were in December and March, finally had a birthday party today, the first of […]

How to Stop Wasting Money on Toys for Your Child

When someone is living a frugal life, they often try to go with the cheapest items, often bad quality, which ends up broken and in the trash far too often. This is especially true with toys, because kids want so many toys and toys are expensive, but as the writer of this post shares with […]

How Therapy Can Change Your Life — An Interview

I’m a big proponent of self care, because if you don’t take care of yourself and your mental well-being you won’t be able to live a happy and productive life, and even from a frugality stand point, you won’t be able to be as functional and do frugal things if you’re miserable, depressed, or an […]

Must-Have Tools For a DIY-Type Life; Tools To Be Your Own Handy-Man or Woman

I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve written here about the DIY projects my husband and I have done around the house- it is one of the most useful money saving skills that we have, especially in the long term, because each time we do something we save hundreds to thousands of dollars, […]

Affordable Kids Birthday Party Ideas

I’m very big into birthday parties for my kids- I want my children to know that I cherish them and their birth and celebrate their life, and I find a birthday party a terrific way to do that. Of course we keep birthday parties low cost around here; here’s some suggestions from a reader as […]

My Recent Incredibly Frugal Grocery Shop

Y’all know how much I love a frugal bargain, and I usually am successful at getting them, but sometimes my frugal shops are even more frugal than my usual ones, and they excite me so much that I want to share them with you! This shop of mine was no exception. Unfortunately I lost my […]

A Room-By-Room Guide to Keeping Your Household Baby-Safe

Fortunately, I’m out of the stage where my house needs to be kept baby proof, so right now my house isn’t exactly. But sometimes we have guests over and their kids are young, and I realize just how not baby proofed my place is. I also remember when my kids were at a younger age […]

Akki Rotti Recipe and Technique- Indian Flatbread from Leftover Rice

As a frugal person, there’s a few parts when it comes to lowering food expenses. One big part is making sure to get the lowest prices for what you’re buying, and sticking to lower cost meals. But another big part of frugal living is making sure that the food that you already have doesn’t go […]