After the Accident: Steps to Take When You’ve Sustained Injuries

My husband was hit by a motorcycle a few years ago. Fortunately he didn’t sustain any injuries other than being covered in scratches from thorns (a real miracle) so he didn’t need to do any of these steps. However, unfortunately many people aren’t as lucky, and many do get injured in car accidents, and it […]

Turn Your Home into an Energy-Efficient Haven

Energy bills can be pretty preposterous, especially if you live in a high cost of living area, or in areas with extremes in temperatures. Fortunately, there are ways to keep down the costs by making your house more energy efficient, as this post by a reader shows us. Every month, you pay a price for […]

Buying a Table and Chair Set for the First Time

I’ve been an adult for 12 years already, and married nearly that long, and I have to say that even with all that, I’ve only really felt like I’ve become a “real” adult for the last year and a half, since we’ve moved into our own home. It honestly is less the fact that we […]

Paleo on a Dirt Cheap Budget — Or How to Really Eat Like a Caveman

My friend Ron Stresing with the birds he hunted I was put in touch with someone who is very short on cash and for health reasons needs to be on a very low carb, high protein and fat, processed food free diet. In other words, very low carb Paleo. She was frustrated with how much […]

Exterior Home Improvement Projects That Are Worth the Cost

I live in a brand new house that, fortunately, doesn’t need much by way of improvement (though my husband is working on improving the garden, building pergolas, and fences, and we hope to put in a wooden deck). For those living in older homes, though, and want to improve the value of the hope, hopefully […]

Baltic Amber Necklaces: Not Just for Teething

Anneliese, smiling in a big pile of freshly picked calendula, wearing her amber necklace I first heard about Baltic amber teething necklaces when my first daughter was born, how it helps reduce the pain of teething, just by having the amber sitting on your skin. I figured it was worth a shot, and my daughters […]

I Love My New Dishes

In my family, there are 4 children. A home with 4 children means that things break a lot. Because kids are, as you know, kids. And I’ll admit, adults also break things. For that reason, I am loathe to use real dishes in my house, because I’ve had to deal with far too many shattered plates, […]

Affordable Tricks for a Comfortable Home

For the longest time, because we had no other choice, our home was basically making do with the bare minimum, but now, I am really appreciative that I have a home that makes me happy, aesthetically as well as phyiscally. Here’s some tips from a reader on how to make your home more comfortable, affordably. […]

Spicy Garlicky Stir Fried Eggplant Recipe — Paleo, Vegan, and Easy

Eggplant is one of those foods that you either love or you hate. Growing up, I was a huge fan of it, but I started making it less since I’ve been married because my kids don’t like it, and my husband thinks it bothers his stomach. For a while, I also thought it might be […]