My friend Ron Stresing with the birds he hunted
I was put in touch with someone who is very short on cash and for health reasons needs to be on a very low carb, high protein and fat, processed food free diet. In other words, very low carb Paleo. She was frustrated with how much her food was costing her, an I understand why. A Paleo diet, especially a very low carb one, is lacking nearly all of the cheaper food items people on a low budget use to stretch their grocery budget- grains, legumes, and other starchy fillers. Without them, you end up needing a lot more of the expensive proteins and expensive vegetables to satiate yourself, and grocery bills can easily skyrocket.

For that reason, I previously wrote this post on how to eat a paleo diet when short on time and on a budget (including a sample menu). but sometimes that isn’t enough. If you’re short on cash, even following the tips in my previous post might not lower your grocery budget enough so that it is manageable.

However, there are ways to cut back your expenses even more, while still being on a low carb Paleo diet. There is a trade off, however. You can’t be super frugal and super time efficient for most things- one or the other takes precedence. Yes, there are ways to be frugal when short on time and energy, but generally they aren’t as extremely frugal, or they are still not going to allow a super frugal low carb diet. You need to decide which two things you’ll focus on; as frugal as possible and as low carb as possible, or as frugal as possible and as time efficient as possible, or as low carb as possible and as time efficient as possible, but you can’t have all three.

As I’ve already posted before on how to be frugal when Paleo and short on time, as well as how to eat a super healthy (but not specifically Paleo) diet on a super frugal budget, as well as how to make your family’s diet as absolutely frugal as possible (but not Paleo or particularly super healthy), this post won’t be for everyone (but hopefully some of the previous ones would have worked for you), but in the event that you need to be as frugal as possible while at the same time eating a low carbohydrate Paleo diet, this is the post for you.

Yes, some will be extreme. Who am I kidding? Most of this post will be extreme. But for some people, there isn’t a choice really, because you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do to survive and take care of your health.
When I was telling my friend about my plans for this post, about how its a “super frugal caveman diet” she commented about how that is actually a “true caveman diet” because the cavemen, after whose diet the Paleo diet was modeled, weren’t exactly rolling in cash, nor did they shop at Whole Foods… (I wrote a post in the past about whether or not cavemen really did eat “Paleo” but can’t find the post; let me just sum it up that I’m not convinced.)
So here it is, how to spend as little money as possible and eat as healthy and low carb of a diet as possible.

Paleo on a Dirt Cheap Budget — Or How to Really Eat Like a Caveman

Super Frugal Paleo Proteins
First, we’ll address proteins, as this is one of the most expensive parts of the low carb Paleo diet. Consequently, it is also the most extreme.

Vegetables and Produce

Tips on how to get cheap produce are not Paleo specific, and apply to anyone who is trying to save money on produce. Some of the tips, therefore, are things I mention often on this blog. However, note that low carb produce can sometimes be more expensive, especially since you need to eat a lot more to satiate yourself, which is why these suggestions are even more important if you’re on a super tight budget and eating low carb Paleo.

General Tips:
Some of these will be repeats, some not, but these are tips on how to save money on your groceries that aren’t specific to produce or meat.

Yes, going over this list, I will admit that much of it is very extreme, and much of it is things that I don’t necessarily do any more, but they are all very effective ways to drastically lower your grocery bills while still sticking to a low carb Paleo diet.
Even if you don’t need to go that extreme, hopefully some of these tips can work for you, no matter what special dietary needs your family has.

I give you a blessing that your income improves so that you won’t need to do anything this extreme, but if you do, hopefully these tips will have been useful for you.

Which, if any, of the tips on my list do you already do? Any of them you’d consider now that you read this post? What tips and suggestions can you give to someone who needs to be on a low carb paleo diet and can’t afford it?

0 Responses

  1. My husband and I are both on a low carb high fat diet and have had to be frugal because of unemployment. I love your post and I will be gleaning ifeas off of it for a long time! One thing we have focused on is eating lots of fat to get satiated. We use olive oil predominantly and pour a dollop on every plate of food we eat. It doesn't change the flavor but adds calories so we feel more full. I also have experimented with eating during a smaller window of time during the day. It helps my body work harder to use what it has for energy. Another way I have been saving money on food is going to a food pantry. It has been humbling, but the people there are very kind and not at all judgemental. Obviously not everyone needs to go to a pantry, but since we have no income right now it has been a huge blessing. I also have a few fruits and veggies in my yard that come back every year and will grow some annual vegetables this summer. Oh, and another tip I have FOR YOU! After making broth out of your meat scraps, consider boiling it down into a thick concentrate. It lasts indefinitely in the fridge and takes up very little space. Use it like you would bullion. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your blog. Keep up the great work!

  2. I'm so sorry you are currently without any income; I can't even begin to imagine how that is. I'm lucky enough that my husband's profession is in high demand, so even if he doesnt make a lot, he always has a job. Adding fat to your food certainly satiates. I hope my tips can help you. Do you find the food at the food pantry suits your low carb high fat diet? I would assume it would be a lot of processed unhealthy food?
    I'll try boiling down the broth to concentrate!

  3. Super ideas! I don't know if they have a Costco in your country but you can get 3 pounds of walnuts for about $15 at the store. Pecan's are a little more expensive but almond nuts are comparable. Plus two one liter apple cider vinegar's with the mother in it goes for the price of what you'd pay for one liter in regular stores. You can really save tremendously on organic vegetables at Costco too. A bag of broccoli has four bags inside and goes for about $6 where you'd pay nearly the same price for just one bag at Whole Foods. Corn, peas, fruit, all organic, are great deals at Costco. Truvia (stevia) 400 pack boxes are just around $12. At least this is true in Ohio and Colorado where I've shopped. The membership pays for itself with savings like that and because they have cheaper gas. I've enjoyed shopping there for years simply because of the organic deals and now they're talking about ordering online with free home delivery so you'd save gas! Thanks as always for your posts!

  4. Super ideas! I don't know if they have a Costco in your country but you can get 3 pounds of walnuts for about $15 at the store. Pecan's are a little more expensive but almond nuts are comparable. Plus two one liter apple cider vinegar's with the mother in it goes for the price of what you'd pay for one liter in regular stores. You can really save tremendously on organic vegetables at Costco too. A bag of broccoli has four bags inside and goes for about $6 where you'd pay nearly the same price for just one bag at Whole Foods. Corn, peas, fruit, all organic, are great deals at Costco. Truvia (stevia) 400 pack boxes are just around $12. At least this is true in Ohio and Colorado where I've shopped. The membership pays for itself with savings like that and because they have cheaper gas. I've enjoyed shopping there for years simply because of the organic deals and now they're talking about ordering online with free home delivery so you'd save gas! Thanks as always for your posts!

  5. Actually, we are able to get lots of leafy greens and lettuces! They get food that is close to the sell by date and I think those items show up at the pantry a lot. There are also lots of breads and pastries, which don't help us much, but my one son who eats gluten gets his fill. ๐Ÿ™‚ They also, sometimes, have gluten free bread so my GF son gets some sandwich bread or rolls. All in all, the pantry has been pretty good to us. I'll be happier when we can go back to donating to them though. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Actually, we are able to get lots of leafy greens and lettuces! They get food that is close to the sell by date and I think those items show up at the pantry a lot. There are also lots of breads and pastries, which don't help us much, but my one son who eats gluten gets his fill. ๐Ÿ™‚ They also, sometimes, have gluten free bread so my GF son gets some sandwich bread or rolls. All in all, the pantry has been pretty good to us. I'll be happier when we can go back to donating to them though. ๐Ÿ™‚