Ways to Ensure Safe Drinking Water

In our old home, we had a water filtration system. But I honestly got so impatient waiting for the water to filter that I never bothered using it, and we didn’t bring it to our new home. This post sent to me by a reader is making me reconsider using a water filtration system for […]

How We Went on a Super Frugal Beach Camping Trip with No Car

I wrote about our super frugal beach camping trip already, but now that we’re back home, in civilization, I wanted to share about our last day camping, and what we did, lessons we learned, etc. First of all, as our second time camping as a family, and as our first time camping at the beach, […]

Our Super Frugal Beach Camping Trip, Day 2

So we’re on day two of our first ever family beach camping trip, and second family camping trip ever.  Here’s how it’s going so far.  Yesterday after my husband and another family member arrived at the camp site, we set up our tents and started a barbecue. It didn’t catch on easily at all, despite […]

Family Vacations On A Budget: Useful Tips That Can Help You Keep The Cost Down

My family is currently on a frugal family vacation. What better time to share this post from a Jenny Johnson on how to vacation on a budget? Family vacations can come with a pretty hefty price tag attached. Individuals spend approximately 10 percent of their income on vacations and more specifically, a family of four […]

Going Beach Camping Super Frugally!

It’s been years since the one and only time we’ve gone camping as a family and my kids have been begging to go. Well, today we finally did it. We were visiting a beach town as we do every year and decided to take a detour and go camping at a nearby beach camp ground […]

5 Benefits of Car Title Loans in Terms of Financial Budgeting

While in general I recommend not taking out loans or going into debt if you have any other option, sometimes there simply is no choice. If you need a loan, here are some thoughts from Allen Brown about why you should consider a car title loan. Very many people find it challenging when looking for […]

Frugality Considerations When Purchasing a Car

Cars are expensive- to buy, to run, to fix. There are frugal ways to have a car, but many of these will depend on what type of car you purchased initially. I do not have a car, but have given this a lot of thought, because from time to time we do talk about the potential […]