Miter Saw Buying Guide: How to Choose the Best One
My husband loves to build and make things from scratch. To do so, he has purchased a large amount of different tools that allow him to do as many DIY type projects as possible. I even wrote up a post about the different tools he’d suggest one have if they want to be their own […]
Keep your Child Safe with These 7 Low-Cost Parenting Hacks
Parenting and keeping your kids safe can be really scary. A little life in your hands to protect. Even when you take many precautions, and when you think your kids are past the danger zone, they pull stunts and surprise you and scare you… Here’s some suggestions from Allen Brown with things to do to […]
A Free Homemade Rope Dog Toy Upcycled From Old T-Shirts
When I was a kid, my family would regularly go to our local pool in the summer. After swimming, we’d head over to the nearby park where there’d be free crafts available to do. There I learned to make many different things, but what stuck with me the most were the lanyard key chains we […]
Homemade Jerk Flavored Fish Jerky Recipe — Paleo, Frugal, and Easy
One of the harder things about being on a healthy diet is following it when you’re out of the house. Cooking and preparing food to bring along adds more to the to do list before you leave, and isn’t always possible when you’re rushing. Buying food when out is usually possible, but pricey, but buying […]
How To Save Money When Dealing With A Lawyer
Lawyers. In an ideal world, most people want to not need to have anything to do with lawyers and avoid all that stuff. However, there definitely comes a time in most people’s lives where they do have to deal with lawyers, and everyone knows that they can be quite cost prohibitive. Here’s some suggestions from […]
Is Mental Health Counseling Frugal?
Since I started posting a few times recently about therapy and mental health counseling in general, a few people asked me to write about the frugality or lack-thereof of mental health counseling. To be honest, it is a topic that is really near and dear to my heart, because two things that are really important […]
Our Frugal Short Trip to Craiova, Romania
Last week my oldest son and I went on a short weekend getaway to Craiova, Romania. It was the first time my son ever left the country, and he was so excited about being able to go on the plane, and to see what a new country is like. His excitement was palpable as we […]
Side Hustles for Busy Moms that Can Be Scheduled Around Family
One of the biggest challenges I had a few years back was that we were very short on cash, and I needed to find a way to bring in money, while staying at home with my then infants and toddlers. I ended up doing a few different side hustles, from babysitting, to telephone marketing, to […]
Homemade Harissa Recipe, Tunisian Hot Chili Pepper Condiment
I love spicy food, and when it doesn’t come already spicy, I enjoy adding a kick to it with hot sauce or some other spicy condiment. This is evidenced by the fact that I have no less than 8 different recipes for homemade hot sauces and condiments from around the world and suitable to different […]
Welcoming the Newest Addition to our Family
My youngest child is nearly 4.5 years old. My kids have asked me when we’ll have another kid. I’ve constantly been asked by people when I’m due because my belly protrudes. Well the thing is… Today we added another member to my family. But this time I didn’t have to go through 9 months of […]