Homemade Easy Apple Chips Recipe

Unfortunately, within the last week, our spare refrigerator/freezer that we keep on our back porch completely died, and all the stuff in the freezer spoiled. Luckily, the stuff in the fridge survived, but got to the point where they needed to be used up right away. And with half the freezer space I originally had, […]

Budget Too Tight? The Importance of Creating Wiggle Room

Every frugal person knows how hard it can be when there isn’t wiggle room in your budget. Nancy Evans here explains the importance of creating wiggle room, as well as suggestions of how to achieve it.  Does your household presently live on a tight budget? Do you balance out every month with nothing leftover? It’s great […]

Replacing My Broken Suitcase Wheel With a New Homemade Wheel

Last year when I decided to start traveling frugally on my own, I purchased a small suitcase that fit the dimensions allowed as carry on for most budget airlines. I tried to spend as little as possible on my suitcase, but even so it wasn’t so cheap. Unfortunately, though, I guess it was too cheap […]

Helpful and Money Saving Travel Hacks

In the past I would have said that I’m not a frequent traveler, but now that I think about it, ever since I’ve been married my husband and I have traveled at least once a year on vacation with our within our country, and then five years ago I traveled to the US once for […]


Yesterday evening I walked into my kitchen and slipped on some water on the floor (no idea why it was there) and hit my head really hard (imagine like in the movies, I went splat). I had my husband call a doctor who paid a house call. He diagnosed a concussion, but not bad enough […]

Preparing For My Next Frugal Trip Abroad To Craiova, Romania

People might have wondered in the past why I decided to go abroad twice in the last year, and yes, part of it was because I discovered that I could, once I discovered a way to get really cheap airfare, so that I could even afford to travel abroad. But now that I came clean about […]

Chicken Waldorf Recipe — Paleo, Easy, and Delicious

Growing up my dad liked to make what he called Waldorf salad. Only he didn’t make his with chicken; his was totally vegetarian. I was recently looking for ideas of easy, healthy meals to make, and a friend recommended chicken Waldorf salad, only hers had the addition of pineapple and grapes, but my dad’s version […]

Why It’s Worthwhile To Go To A Psychiatrist

I’ve talked recently a few times about going to therapy, and how it can change you life. I happen to really like my therapist and have found going to her to be very useful. Some people, therefore, might ask whether there is any point to go to a psychiatrist if they already have a therapist. What can […]

Foraged Purslane and Summer Fruit Salad Recipe — Easy, Vegan, and Paleo

So many people have asked me how I possibly teach foraging classes in the summer; what is there even to forage when it is so hot and dry? (Locally, it doesn’t rain at all in the summer season, other than the occasional fluke.) But there is definitely what to forage in the summer, and in […]

When Spending More is Frugal

My new, not quite so cheap, but still frugal pocketbook There are some people in the world that think frugality means spending as little as possible whenever possible. I mean, that can be one definition, but as I recently talked about, my definition of frugality is mindfully spending your money, so that you spend less […]