Simple Interior Design Tips to Spice Up the Home

A few years ago I decided that I was sick of how my home looked, that it wasn’t at all my taste, and it really made me upset seeing how it looked. At the same time, I knew we’d be moving in the near future and didn’t want to invest a lot in decorating a […]

Successfully Decluttering And Keeping My Home Cleaner

It is no secret that keeping a neat and tidy house is a big stress of mine, and something I don’t typically manage to successfully do. Thankfully getting a dishwasher has been a huge help, so the kitchen can be neater and cleaner far more often, and that has been life changing. But the bane […]

My Super Frugal Trip to Brussels, Belgium

It has been a good long while since December, and people keep on asking me when I’ll post my next post about what else I did when I went on a super frugal trip to Belgium in December. I am really bad about follow up with these things, because while I’m on the trip, the […]

How Do You Like Them Apples?

I will admit, I am not an Apple fan. I had an Apple computer when I was in high school for a year, and I never really enjoyed it, or got why there was such a hype about it. I’m a Windows and Android girl through and through. But for those that want to learn […]

Taking Some Fun and Different Personality Tests

My friends and I recently got together, and we were discussing different personality types and how they affect you and your life. So many different types came up in the discussion, and I find these personality types are a good way to get to know yourself, but also a good way to explain yourself and […]

My Husband Fixed Our Washing Machine!

As a mother of four kids, you can imagine our washing machine gets really heavy use. I’m also not so great at keeping up with the laundry, so often when I get down to it, I have a bunch of loads to do in one go. For example now we have about two large laundry […]

Reflections on the Evolution of this Blog and the Pursuit of Money Mindfulness

I’d planned on writing a whole long post in honor of my 8th bloggiversary… January 2 started my 9th year of blogging, which I have to say feels like quite the accomplishment…. But life got in the way and unfortunately this planned post is nearly six months late. Oh well. In honor of my bloggiversary […]

Insider Hacks To Buying A High-Quality, Yet Cheap, Mountain Bike

I grew up bike riding all the time. My sister and I bike rode to the nearest pool for our swimming lessons every day in the summer. We bike rode to parks. My boys currently have bikes that they’re outgrowing, and I probably need to get them larger sizes. Currently, though, my husband and I […]