Stocking Up and Filling My Freezer — My Large But Frugal Grocery Shop (Part 2)
I have a freezer, I have a freezer, I have a freezer! I want to sing giddily over and over again. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted a spare freezer: pretty much from the first second I started learning about and beginning to stockpile. I could stockpile dry goods, but all those fresh […]
7 Reasons to Go Vegan in 2020
I’m not vegan and have no intention of ever being vegan, as that type of diet does not work for my body. I do however make many vegan recipes because of my specific dietary needs and know that I have many vegan readers. However, if you’ve toyed with the idea of going vegan, here’s what […]
Easy Okra and Tomatoes Recipe — Gluten Free, Vegan, Paleo
So apparently okra is known for being slimy, but I never knew that. Because my mother always made okra the same way, and it never was slimy, and just was yummy with a nice texture. So now I’ll share this recipe with you, which is pretty simple, to be honest, but can be changed up […]
The Benefits of Having a Generator For Every Home
Where I live, we have far too many blackouts. We have power outages in the summer when everyone is using their AC and the electric company is overloaded, so they shut down. And we have power outages in the winter, when everyone is using their heating, and then we freeze. And then there’s all those […]
My Latest Giant, But Frugal, Grocery Shop (Part 1)
So today I had a dilemma. My fruit and vegetable drawers were empty. The produce I had at home amounted to a few potatoes, onions, celery, 2 fennel bulbs, some carrots, and half a butternut squash. Zero fruit, and no quick to eat produce either. But it was 2 days until the end of December, […]
Want to Achieve That Retro Home Design? Here’s How
Some people are fans of the retro look, and I’m… decidedly not. But I am a fan of making your home suit your taste on a budget, so that your home is a place where you love being and are proud to call your own, and if retro is how you want to do it, […]
Healing Back Pain, Hopefully Healing My Body?
I share my accomplishments here, but sometimes I think it’s also worthwhile for me to share my struggles, the things that don’t go so well. One thing that I don’t really talk about here is how often I get injured or my other physical limitations. Some of you may have heard of SPD, symphyisis pubis […]
Why Parents Should Look into Smoked Meat
For foodies like myself, you might get bored of making the same foods over and over again and want to look for some variety. You might want to look into smoking your meat; here’s some reasons why. Prepping breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day for young ones is admittedly a drag. Kids are notoriously finicky […]
My Frugal Accomplishments the Past Week
This has been one of those weeks where I don’t have a tremendous amount of frugal things to share with y’all, but accountability and all… And you know what, its totally fine that there are weeks like this, because what isn’t shown is that in addition to just being frugal sometimes you end up doing […]
The Only Times You Should Get A Loan
Debt is no good. It can cause a lot of havoc for people financially, not just in their present life, but down the road it can really get people into a hole. One should avoid going into debt if at all possible, saving up money for expenses that come up so that you don’t need […]