Swiss Chard, Potato, and Blue Cheese Pancakes Recipe — Gluten Free, Egg Free, Vegan Option
I wanted to make some potato pancakes today… but it was raining heavily and it made me think of my garden and everything growing there, and the wild swiss chard that currently has huge leaves, and I thought to myself that potatoes and greens are a match made in heaven, so decided to do swiss […]
Parenting 101: How to Keep Your Kids Safe Inside and Outside Your House
We all want to keep our kids safe. This post sent in from a reader is chock full of ideas on how you can keep your kids as safe as can be, while still giving them healthy freedoms. A parent’s primary concern is their child’s safety. It’s a scary world out there, and a lot […]
Homemade Gluten Free Sfinge — Moroccan Donuts — Vegan and Easy
Sfinge! Oh, these delicious lumpy bumpy crunchy bits of delight are something that I’d heard about for years, but only tried for the first time today. These Moroccan donuts are extremely delectable, and even tastier than your typical donut. I’ve made so many different types of donuts over the years, and these are officially the […]
5 Good Money Management Tips for the New Year
These financial management tips sent to me by reader Jack can help your credit score. Hope they help you! Your credit score is one of the best metrics gauging your financial health. It lets you know whether a financial institution sees you as a prime or subprime borrower and why. That’s because your score comes […]
How I’m Gifting This Year For the Holidays and Anneleise’s Birthday
As I mentioned yesterday, I’m always changing up how I do gifting for the holidays with my kids. The one thing that always stays the same is I never do a million presents, I always keep things on a budget. Yes, presents are nice, but no need to go overboard. If giving lots of gifts […]
Reasons Why Parents Should Teach Their Kids Money Management
Start em young! If a kid never hears of the concept of money management or budgeting, when they need to start doing this for themselves as an adult, they will have a hard time. Here’s some reasons why you should teach your kids how to manage their money. Children are great at spending money, but […]
Decorating Tips For A More Functional Living Room
While I’m sure many of us (other than the tiny house lovers among us) would love to have larger houses, this usually costs a lot more money, so many of us end up with smaller homes than we might ideally want. For that reason, space is often at a premium in our homes (I know […]
5 Facts About Pool Care Every Homeowner Should Know
It’s really hot where I live in the summer, and public pools are really expensive to go to. For this reason, ever since we bought our house I’ve wanted to purchase an above ground swimming pool for my family, as I’ve discovered that they are much more affordable than I used to think. This summer […]
A Fun Family Secret Santa Game
I feel like every time Christmas comes around, people are so unsure what to do about gifting. Especially if you have many kids, what will you do? How many gifts will you give each kid? Will kids give each other gifts? How much will this add up to financially? I’ve long known about the game […]
4 Easy Ways To Create A More Eco-Friendly Home
If someone cares about the environment and wants to make a difference, there are some simple things that you can do that can make a big difference (much bigger than just cutting out plastic straws… which of course you can also do by replacing yours with reusable ones like we did). Here’s some ideas how […]