How to Have a Frugal Tie Dye Party

My girls proudly displaying their shirts The other day my friend Tanya invited myself and my kids and also her whole neighborhood pretty much for a fun tie dye party in her yard. It was such great fun and such an awesome frugal summer activity that I wanted to share with you how it was […]

Why We Started SmartSavers

We all are looking to save money, and many of us know that we possibly could be paying less for different things, but don’t have the time, energy, or ability to lower them. Or they have phone phobia. Enter SmartSavers, the company that does the work for you, so you can save money each month, […]

My Astroturf Compromise

I never thought I’d have such a dilemma when it comes to my yard. I grew up with a really large back lawn and sizable front lawn, and it was where I spent most of my childhood free time. Our yard was mostly lawn, part had a swing set, part a vegetable garden, some had […]

On a Budget: Best Ways to Cut Back on Costs As a Single, Working Mother

As a single working mom, finances are not a walk in the park, but there are so many obstacles to being frugal when you’re trying to do it all. Here’s some tips from reader Sarah on how working single moms can also save money. When it comes to being a single mother, things don’t come […]

My Free Things! And Frugal Shopping!

You all know how much I love getting free things, right? In the past 24 hours, I lucked out not just once, but twice with free food! I feel like I hit the jackpot! Last night I was in the city with my son for an appointment, and we had a little extra time on our […]

Sushi Making as a Fun Frugal Family Activity

For those of you who are parents and in the northern hemisphere, you’re probably all in a similar boat… Trying to figure out how to entertain your kids while they are out of school, without breaking the bank. My kids were in camp but it ended, and now I have another month in which I […]

Top 10 Ideas on How to Find Inspiration for Your Writing

As a writer, I know what it’s like to have writers block and run low on ideas. Here’s a post from Jeremy Reynolds with ideas on how to combat that and find inspiration. This can also help with inspiration for other forms of art, not just the written word. Are you lacking inspiration for your […]

Mountaineer Brand Products, A Review

When I got contacted by a representative from Mountaineer Brand to do a review of their products, I took one quick look and said that I didn’t think it was relevant to me and my life, as it seemed a predominantly beard balm company, and I’m in the process of divorce, and my oldest child […]

My Daughters’ Frugal Ballerina Themed Birthday Party

Last week I made my daughters a very belated ballerina themed birthday party. It was such a hit and cost me very little to make, but everyone enjoyed themselves. I wanted to share what we did, so that you could also do a similar party in the future. First, I want to share what we […]

Six Must-Haves for Any Medicine Cabinet

First aid is important as a parent, here’s some tips from Nancy Evans on some basic first aid things to have in your medicine cabinet. Children can be a handful. They are loud, energetic, and playful. They brighten our lives and we love them for that. Unfortunately, our favorite people can get sick or hurt […]