I love making my kids homemade costumes! With Halloween around the corner, if you have a little one you may already be planning what they will wear. But how about a homemade costume, using these great ideas from a reader on costumes you can make using baby bodysuits?

Fall is one of the most family-friendly times of the year! If you’re ready to get out and about, there are so many fun things you can do with bodysuits to celebrate autumn with baby. Of course, your little pumpkin needs to look photo-ready for every fall festival and harvest hayride. To make things easy, we have plenty of playful and unique ideas for the cutest Halloween and Thanksgiving outfits.

Pick a style you like and then grab a few basic supplies. It’s okay if you’re still short on sleep or time—you can finish your favorite styles in the time that it takes for baby to take a nap. Once you put together baby’s outfit, we think you’ll be inspired to DIY even more fall creations. You’ll also have the confidence to design one-of-a-kind outfits for every season!

1. Harvest Baby

Celebrate one of the most beautiful parts of the fall harvest: leaves! All you need to make this seasonal, unisex ensemble is a red, brown or orange bodysuit and a few craft items. First, gather iron-on appliques or felt leaves in your favorite autumnal colors. Before you iron or glue them, arrange the decals on the bodysuit to be sure you like the design. Next, it’s time to affix them to the cotton fabric.
If you plan on using glue, we recommend a no-sew fabric glue or a fabric and leather adhesive. You can also sew them! Let the garment rest or dry until the next morning and then pop it in the washing machine on a delicate setting. Once you clean it with your favorite baby detergent, it’s ready to wear! Try pairing the bodysuit with a matching colored beanie with the same leaf design. Add solid or striped pants along with booties or shoes in complementary hues.

2. Baby Ghost

In baby’s first year, simple yet adorable Halloween costumes are best for mom and dad. If you have a white bodysuit, you can easily make a little ghost outfit in a few minutes. Like the harvest outfit, head to the craft store to purchase a few glue-on or iron-on appliques. Most stores will have ghoul faces ready this time of year. If you want, you can even use ovals or circles.

Finish with a ghost mouth applique or cut your own shapes out of black felt. Should you have an artistic hand, you may also try drawing the ghoul’s face with fabric paint or a thick, black marker. As you work, be sure the face features a surprised, open mouth or a half-grin. No need to be scary! Since this costume is so straightforward and affordable, it’s okay if you mess up the first time. Buy a pack of white bodysuits, just in case you want to try again. You can even match baby in this outfit by making a white ghost shirt of your own! Design the same grin or create a totally different expression for your ghost.

3. Little Pumpkin

Without a doubt, the pumpkin is one of the most popular and timeless baby costumes! While there are a trove of expensive jack-o-lantern suits online and in stores, you don’t need to break your budget. Instead, fashion your own pumpkin-themed Halloween bodysuits. Start with an orange garment in baby’s size. Like the Baby Ghost costume, you can use everything from markers to felt pieces to create the jack-o-lantern’s grin. Draw, iron, sew or glue the designs onto the bodysuit and then give it a few hours before you wash it.

If you’re interested in creating a more authentic look, add greenery. Small strips of emerald fabric or ribbon around the sleeves and collar makes it look like your tiny squash is fresh from the garden. You can also draw or glue a green or brown stem. Add it to one of the corners of the top of the bodysuit, near the collar. Adorn the green areas with gold fabric or quick-dry glue to make the design really pop. This outfit looks adorable with black leggings or pants, black shoes and an orange hat.

4. Tiny Turkey

Make Thanksgiving dinner more fun by inviting a tiny turkey! Your baby will be the sweetest member of the table in their adorable DIY outfit. You’ll need a long-sleeved brown bodysuit, several medium to large pieces of felt and fabric glue or a sewing machine. Cut red, yellow and orange felt into small, narrow ovals. Once you’re done clipping six to eight multicolored pieces, grab the bodysuit. Place the outfit front-side down on a flat surface and then arrange the ovals in a fan design on baby’s bottom to make it look like a turkey tail. Start with your favorite color out of the bunch and then keep alternating colors until there are no more felt pieces left to make the tail. Sew or glue them on and then let them dry as necessary.

Now, turn the bodysuit around so it’s front-side up. Use fabric pieces to create a turkey face or a turkey hand. You can even write Happy Thanksgiving. If you’re looking for a minimalist style, copy the same type of design that’s on baby’s bottom. Simply place the same alternating color design on the chest area of the outfit. If you’re creating a face, keep it fun and festive by gluing on silly googly eyes. Brown pants and a beanie with similar decals make for unforgettable photos.

5. Mini Football Fan

Fall is football season! If your family loves the pigskin, DIY an outfit to celebrate your favorite team. Start with a cotton bodysuit in your preferred college or pro colors. After you make your pick, you can use everything from ribbons to letters to fashion something that is truly one-of-a-kind. Write “Go Team!” on the front of the garment—or iron baby’s last name and a number on the back to make it look like a jersey.

Sew or glue on felt footballs, team logos and stars. Further adorn the outfit with multicolored ribbons or colorful piping onto the sleeves. Complement the bodysuit with accessories like matching socks, sweatpants or leggings. Headbands and barrettes in team colors look precious on baby girls. Go with short sleeves for warm weather or indoor activities. Long sleeves are ideal for trick or treating with baby or a day of family tailgating.

Dressing Your Autumn Baby in Style

These festive ideas are so easy and affordable that you’ll have time to achieve everything on your fall bucket list! To make sure you and baby enjoy your autumn to the fullest, we have just a few more tips. As you look for supplies, consider picking up a few backup baby outfits and sets. If you don’t get time to make your Halloween costume or Thanksgiving outfit, you have something else for your child to wear. A matching bodysuit, beanie and pants set with special designs and additions can make baby look like a bear, doggy or alien. Even if you’re committed to your DIY design, one of these sets can help you complete the homemade outfit. A pair of black sweats looks perfect with the ghost suit, while a soft hat with football laces really completes your do-it-yourself jersey.

Since your little one is growing so fast, order an extra pack in one size larger than baby’s current garments. Even if you use today’s bodysuits for the costume, you’ll have more for the months ahead. Above all, have fun dressing baby in the cutest fall styles. While you may learn a few new skills, you’ll also make plenty of autumn memories!

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