Things I Found Worthwhile Buying While Abroad
When I had to go to the US earlier this month to take care of financial matters, I had to decide if I wanted to do any shopping while there. I feel like so often people who go abroad go shopping just for the sake of shopping, and then they say they saved money by […]
My Visit to Nelson’s Ledges, Near Cleveland, Ohio
I finally got home from my whirlwind of a trip to New York, Cleveland, and London, and you may have noticed I didn’t update the blog in a bit of time. My stateside trip was super busy, and then I took the time in London to have a real vacation, to just enjoy myself and […]
How to Pay Off Student Loans Fast
Debt sucks. It really does. Here’s some tips from a reader on how to pay your student loans off quicker. It cannot be denied that student loans are among the most stressful aspects of being a student. It can affect you emotionally, which can possibly affect your studies. Well, don’t let your student loans take […]
Buying Big Purchases Frugally and Mindfully
I’m in the US now for the first time in five and a half years, and while I was here, I decided to do some shopping of items that would be beneficial for me to buy here instead of buying where I live. I’m writing another post about what I bought here and why, but […]
So Your Kid Wants a Rideable Electric Car: Now What?
When my children were littler, Mike would talk about how he dreams of getting the kids a toy car, an electric one that they could ride around in. He had one as a child in South Africa, and it was one of his favorite things to do, and had so many fond memories involving riding […]
My Trip to Camp Hi Canoe and Kayak, in Hiram, Ohio
I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and haven’t really been back (other than an extremely short work trip) since I moved away 15 years ago, and on my current trip that I took to the US to deal with bureaucratic bank nonsense, I had the chance to come back to visit my close friend who […]
My Wonderful Clothes Haul from Goodwill
I’m in Cleveland now, on my trip to the US, and my lovely hostess with the mostess picked me up from the Greyhound station, but needed to go to work. While she was at work, I decided to get some errands done, and one of them was going to Goodwill. When I was trying to […]
When is Bankruptcy The Best Option?
Debt sucks. It really, really does. The hardest part about it is that debt repayments can make you drown financially, making it impossible to keep above water with all the monthly debt repayments. Sometimes the only way to get out of that situation is to declare bankrupcy. Here is some more information from a reader […]
Bank Issues… Mostly Sorted
Ok, so as I’ve told you, I came to the US to deal with horrendous bank issues that my ridiculous bank will only let me deal with in person. So last night I arrived in NY, got picked up by a friend in Queens, had a BBQ at her house, then went to another good […]
Run Away From Stress
Taking care of yourself is important. Here’s some tips from a reader on how to lower your stress levels. With all the work environments right now being extremely competitive and our lives being so fast paced, it’s no wonder most of us suffer from stress in some way. Pretty much everyone develops their own coping […]