Arrived Safe and Sound in NY, Against the Odds
Wow. I wasn’t sure I’d actually get here, because I had so many things going wrong… But in the end, all is good. So first of all, I told you about my American bank issue which is why I had to come to the US in the first place… But I was having another issue […]
Getting Your Family to Eat Ethically on a Budget
As someone who cares about ethics, but also about keeping my budget down, I’ve thought long and hard about this, how one can do both, because ethical shopping often costs more money. How much do you sacrifice ethics for a bargain, and how much do you sacrifice frugality wise, for ethics? Here’s a post from […]
Common Causes of Childhood Strains and Sprains
As a child, I regularly got sprains so often that we always had crutches and ace bandages at home, as well as some air casts and splints. My children fortunately have been more lucky there (though one kid managed to break his bone twice and dislocate something another time…) Here’s some more from a reader […]
Celebrating My Boys’ Birthdays
Both my boys had birthdays within the past week. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you’ll know that I have a tradition of making my kids a fun and frugal birthday party. It’s important for me, even when money is tight, for my kids to know that they are my priority, and […]
Delicious Tofu Sandwich Recipe– Gluten Free, Vegan, and Easy
One day I was really hungry and looking for something to eat. I had a block of tofu and some bread, and I had the idea to fry up some tofu slices and make them into a sandwich. It was heavenly. One of the best sandwiches I’ve ever tasted. And I said that I absolutely […]
6 Amazing Tips For Keeping Kids Happy On Air Travel
Have any trips coming up with your children? As you may know, sometimes kids can be difficult on flights, so here’s some tips from a reader on how to keep your flight as smooth as possible. Image source “The Greatest Legacy We Can Leave Our Children Is Happy Memories.” – Og Mandino. Many avid travelers, […]
They Called The Police On Me
Tonight, someone threatened to call the police on me. And I told them to go ahead and do that. Here’s why. I slept over at a friends house and brought along my dog. On the way home, one of the bus drivers took a look at me and my dog and told me he doesn’t […]
How Sports Can Help to Bond with Your Child
I love playing sports and have been a fan since I was a child. It was something I shared with my father and siblings, going to Cleveland Indians games, and playing on teams in our local municipality. Here’s some tips from Robert Bell on how sports can help you bond with your child. Finding a […]
Our Frugal and Fun Summer
My kids, after a long summer, are finally back in school. Most kids who were on summer break have already returned to school by now, and so I’d like to reflect on this past summer and how we managed. I asked my children what they thought of our summer, and they all agreed an amazing […]
5 South Asian Superfoods You Haven’t Heard About
I love fruit, and I love learning about new and exciting and different fruit to me. This post sent to me by a reader is getting me so intrigued, also to learn about the fruit, and to find out about their medicinal uses. If only I could get my hands on them locally! Hundreds of […]