How Do Healthy Couples Budget Together: Eight Couples Share Their Stories
I’ve shared two posts recently that talked about financial abuse. One, a woman’s story about how getting divorced improved her finances, due to the financial abuse in her marriage, and then another, where six women shared their stories of financial abuse, to help educate people about this not too often discussed topic. After my posts, […]
Easy Ways Stay-at-Home Parents Can Make Extra Money
Many people choose to be stay at home parents to save money on day care bills, not to mention being able to be more frugal for your family since you have more time available to DIY things. However, you still might find that you need some more cash. Here’s some ways to bring in some […]
Middle Eastern Greens Salad Recipe — Easy, Variable, and Delicious
Twice recently at special events, I had this delicious salad, made with various greens, nuts, and craisins, and it was so amazing, I asked my friends what it was called. And I got a bunch of very surprised people who were surprised that I didn’t know what it was, because apparently its served all over […]
5 Essential Shopping Hacks All Moms Should Know
While I’m quite a bit out of the baby stage, I was in that stage for a while, and I know how expensive it can be. Here’s some tips from a reader on how to save money when it comes to your baby essentials. Every new mom needs to stretch her budget. By now, you’ve […]
A Real Steal at the Scratch and Dent Store
Ok so I’ll admit, as much as I know water is healthiest to drink, I don’t always like drinking water. I’ve had a hankering for something more, but try to stick to more healthy options (or at least that’s the goal). I first discovered these drinks made with lemongrass, chamomile, ginger, lemon balm and lavender […]
5 Fall-Themed Baby Bodysuit Ideas
I love making my kids homemade costumes! With Halloween around the corner, if you have a little one you may already be planning what they will wear. But how about a homemade costume, using these great ideas from a reader on costumes you can make using baby bodysuits? Fall is one of the most family-friendly […]
What is Financial Abuse? Six Women Share Their Stories
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay As someone going through divorce, one of the scariest things was hearing how horrible it would be financially post divorce. Fortunately, there are some friends of mine who shared with me that their finances improved after divorcing, so I shared one of their stories anonymously here. Lots of people […]
The No-Cost Technology That Can Help You Save More Each Month
I love tech, especially when it has the ability to make your life easier, and even more so if it helps you save money in an easy way. Here’s some great tech money saving ideas from a reader. Photo credit belart84 Financial experts recommend saving roughly 20% of your post-tax income. However, for many individuals, […]
Sweet and Savory Easy Eggplant Carpaccio Recipe — Vegan, Paleo, Gluten Free, and Frugal
I love eggplant in so many different ways, but had this dish only recently at a wedding I attended, and it was so delicious that I figured out how to make it at home. While my photo isn’t the most photogenic, when I had it was presented even more photogenically, with thinner drizzles on it, […]
5 Things You Need to Know About Kratom
Until I got this post by a reader about kratom, I’d never heard of it before. It sounds very interesting, and is a legal way to feel good, similar, it seems, to wild lettuce (which I tell my students has an opium like effect on someone). I’ve done a little research now and found its […]