Tuna Bread Casserole Recipe — Gluten Free, Frugal, Easy
My house is predominantly gluten free. My kids decided that they don’t like to eat the gluten free bread that I make from scratch, so I go to a store where they sell relatively frugal gluten free buns and stock up each time I’m in the area. Unfortunately, because I don’t have a spare freezer […]
What Defines a Good Garbage Disposal and what are the Best Ones in 2019
I never had a garbage disposal growing up, but my friends did and I heard wonderful things about them. They can also help a sink not get clogged if you have a tendency to have large things go down your drain. But how do you know which kind to get? There are a lot of […]
When Marriage is Financially Devastating, Divorce Can be a Solution; A Case Study
So many people in marriages that are horrible end up staying in their marriage because of finances. Especially if finances are terrible together, you may be afraid that divorce will only make your situation worse. I reached out to friends to share their stories with you, if divorce improved their financial situation. I shared my […]
Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe — Easy, Frugal, Paleo, Vegan
I’ve been begged by so many people to share this recipe, that I pushed it to the front of my posting schedule. I have been making watermelon gazpacho for so long, but never had a specific recipe, since its one of those things that is completely flexible and is more or less made to taste. […]
7 Tips for Saving Money When Shopping for Food
I love grocery money saving tips, because that is one of the areas in which you can make a difference every single time you shop, and if you mess up one time, you have many more chances to improve things and fix them. Here’s some tips from a reader on how to save money on […]
How to Have a Frugal Tie Dye Party
My girls proudly displaying their shirts The other day my friend Tanya invited myself and my kids and also her whole neighborhood pretty much for a fun tie dye party in her yard. It was such great fun and such an awesome frugal summer activity that I wanted to share with you how it was […]
Why We Started SmartSavers
We all are looking to save money, and many of us know that we possibly could be paying less for different things, but don’t have the time, energy, or ability to lower them. Or they have phone phobia. Enter SmartSavers, the company that does the work for you, so you can save money each month, […]
My Astroturf Compromise
I never thought I’d have such a dilemma when it comes to my yard. I grew up with a really large back lawn and sizable front lawn, and it was where I spent most of my childhood free time. Our yard was mostly lawn, part had a swing set, part a vegetable garden, some had […]
On a Budget: Best Ways to Cut Back on Costs As a Single, Working Mother
As a single working mom, finances are not a walk in the park, but there are so many obstacles to being frugal when you’re trying to do it all. Here’s some tips from reader Sarah on how working single moms can also save money. When it comes to being a single mother, things don’t come […]
My Free Things! And Frugal Shopping!
You all know how much I love getting free things, right? In the past 24 hours, I lucked out not just once, but twice with free food! I feel like I hit the jackpot! Last night I was in the city with my son for an appointment, and we had a little extra time on our […]