I love grocery money saving tips, because that is one of the areas in which you can make a difference every single time you shop, and if you mess up one time, you have many more chances to improve things and fix them. Here’s some tips from a reader on how to save money on your groceries.

One of the most common questions you might hear in any cost of groceries continue to rise. Eating out and ordering in is an even worse alternative, so the most you can do is figure out a way to make your trips to the grocery store worth your while.
home is, “What’s for dinner?” and if you have a family to feed, this can get asked more than once on any given day. Coming up with meals that are healthy and cost effective can be difficult, especially because the

Planning your meals ahead and figuring out a shopping plan is a great way to curb financial problems – click here to learn more about solutions to money troubles. Keep reading for some important tips to keep in mind before heading out to the grocery store.

1. Create a Meal Plan for the Week
Meal plans are one of the key ways that you are going to save yourself time and money. Instead of making a different one each week, why not set up a template that uses set meal types each day? For example:

Monday: Pasta
Tuesday: Soup and Salad
Wednesday: Oven-Ready Meal
Thursday: Hamburger/Hotdog/Sandwich and Fries
Friday: Protein and Vegetable
Saturday: Beef or Vegetable Chili
Sunday: Leftovers

After assigning a set day for a meal type you can easily tailor them depending on what you’re feeling that week.

2. Never Shop on an Empty Stomach

Make sure you’re not hungry before going out to shop for food or else you might just end up with more than you need. Temptation is everywhere, so why risk it?

3. Take Stock and Make a List

Before you go food shopping you should take stock of the ingredients you already have and make a list of the stuff you will need. Your list should be centered on being able to cook the meals on your plan for the week.

4. Check for Useful Coupons

Couponing can be a great way to save money, but make sure that you’re not buying things you don’t need just because they’re on sale. Check out websites like Coupon.com to easily sort through all the coupons available and find the ones that you can actually use.

5. Buy in Season

When buying fruits and vegetables, it’s best to get the ones in season as they will be less expensive. Also consider when you’re going to eat them because that will determine the level of ripeness you should buy them at.

6. Frozen or Canned Alternatives

If you really want something that is not in season, or are finding that fresh produce is too expensive, go for the canned or frozen kind instead. Not only are they cheaper, but you can purchase them in bulk and they will last a lot longer.

7. Compare Unit Prices

Don’t be fooled by appearances: make sure you are looking at the size of the item you’re buying instead of just eye-balling it. Often you can find cheaper alternatives from different brands who charge less per unit, even if the item looks smaller.

Hopefully these tips will help you buy smarter and eat better. If you need more advice on saving money, consider contacting a certified Credit Counsellor to help you achieve financial wellness.

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