If someone cares about the environment and wants to make a difference, there are some simple things that you can do that can make a big difference (much bigger than just cutting out plastic straws… which of course you can also do by replacing yours with reusable ones like we did). Here’s some ideas how to make your home more green.
As education spreads around the world about the delicate balance of our natural world, more people are interested in adopting eco-friendly habits in their lives and their homes. Sustainable lifestyles have become the norm in many parts of the world.
If you have the desire to work to reduce your carbon footprint on the planet it takes dedication and lifestyle changes. Becoming eco-friendly can start with changing your attitudes about consumption and conservation. It’s important to preserve the natural world as it is, but it’s also vital to protect it for the future.
The daily operation of a home is the largest part of your carbon presence. Making improvements to your home can help you to reach your environmental goals. Having your home inspected for harmful chemicals like rayon or substances like asbestos can show you where you need to start with your improvements for the environment and your safety. If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to harmful asbestos you can contact legal experts such as www.bergmanlegal.com to find out about your rights. In the meantime, you can start investigating these popular and eco-friendly home updates to get you started on a more sustainable path to the future.
One of the easiest ways to start your eco-friendly journey is by taking a look at how you use water around your home. Every household in the western world is likely to be guilty of wasting water resources at one time or another because we are so used to having unlimited access.
A great way to start conserving and changing your usage habits is to install low-flow appliances and eco-friendly fixtures. This can not only help you lower your water bills, but it can also help you save hundreds of gallons of precious water every year.
Once your home is outfitted with sustainable hardware, it’s time to start changing your own usage habits. Don’t let the water run while you are not using it, like when you are doing dishes or brushing your teeth. You don’t need a constant stream of water to get the job done.
A big chunk of your energy consumption is used up powering your home’s lights. Changing your bulbs to the more efficient LED style can help reduce your consumption by up to 30%. This can help reduce the stress on the grid and your wallet when your bills start to come in.
Installing light dimmers in your home and timers to turn your lights on and off on a more rigid schedule can also be helpful. This can eliminate lights being used in areas that don’t really need them. No more leaving a light on accidentally overnight!
A large portion of your heating and cooling energy can be wasted if your home is not properly insulated. When you buy your home it’s a good idea to have a thorough attic and roof inspection done to see where you can add some protection.
Spray foam insulation is a great barrier for your home and lasts for many years. The expansive quality helps you to seal up even the smallest cracks and drafts.
The most popular source of clean energy for your home comes right from the sun. More home buyers and builders are making an investment in solar. It may not be too far in the future before every new home is outfitted with a set of solar panels working independently from the grid.
Creating and living a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle is something that we should all aim for. The protection and conservation of our global health should be on everyone’s mind. If you are looking for ways to make your home more environmentally friendly you can work on these areas to get a great start.