As you all know, I have a website. You’re on it. But when I first thought of making a website, I found it extremely extremely daunting. So much needed to be learned and figured out even before I could even start. Fortunately there were lots of templates available for me so I didn’t have to go entirely from scratch. Here’s some tips from a reader on how to create a business website if you’re looking to go into that route yourself.

In this day and age, you can’t run a business without having a presence online. Even if you have office space in a building, you still need to be found. With the vast majority of people conducting searches on their phones while on the go, having a website increases your chances of them finding you.

Of course, just having a website doesn’t guarantee that you will attract customers to your business. It’s a start, but then you need to encourage them to stay on your page and check out what you have to offer. When it comes to creating your business website, there are many things you’ll need to consider.

1. What Is the Site’s Purpose?

More than likely, you will be using your site to convey general information about your company to potential customers. Should this be what you want, then you can create a simple page with limited information. You also have the ability to create a website that functions as your storefront. If that’s the case, then you’ll probably need a way to accept payments.

Either option could be beneficial in getting customers to your site. Knowing this before you start your web design yourself, or you go the professional route, using a company like Blue Whale Media, will help you determine how simple or complicated the site needs to be. Should you decide that you want to incorporate a blog post or have multiple pages on your site, this will have an impact on how complicated your page becomes.

The type of business you operate could also impact your page design. As a law firm, you may be required by law to include certain disclaimers or certifications on your page. If you’re unsure how that should look, then you’ll want to check out some legal designs for inspiration to help you create your website. This is also a good way to see what has made other pages successful.

2. Determine Your Domain Name

Once you have a basic idea of your site’s purpose and how you want it to look, you will then need to determine your domain name. This is the URL that you will share with others so that they can find you.

You need to pick something that is descriptive, but short. It’s also important to decide what your top-level domain will be. The default is .com, but you can also choose from .net or .biz. Once you have made those decisions, you’ll then need to make sure the name and domain you want are available for use. If you find that your domain name is available, you’ll then need to purchase and register it.

3. Find a Web Host

Before you can start building your web pages, you have to find a host. This is how it will be put onto the web so that customers can find you and where all of your data are stored. You have the option of hosting your own site, which can be incredibly expensive or finding an external host.

If you are looking for an external host, you have the option of going with a shared web host, which means you’ll share a server with other sites. This is a cost-effective way to get your site seen by the world, but it could also mean that other sites might slow down your site.

You also have the option of getting a dedicated host, which is a more expensive option. However, having this host means you won’t have to worry about competing for speed and views with other businesses on the server. Finding the right host will depend on your budget and how complicated your site is.

4. Develop Your Pages

In general, most sites have a static home page with links that connect to various other pages. These could include information about your company, a link to your blog, a contact page or pages set up for each of the services you offer. How many pages you have on your site should have been determined in step 1 when you were figuring out your site’s purpose.

When it comes to developing your site, this is something you can do on your own or hire a professional to help you. If you have a complicated site structure or you don’t have the knowledge or time to set up your site, you might want to hire someone to help. If you have a limited budget, you always have the option of working with pre-made templates and creating your site that way.

5. Test Your Site

Before you push the publish button and send your site into the world, you want to make sure it functions properly. This means that all links should go where they say they are going, and it should load quickly. Each page should be easy to read and offer people valuable information.

Make sure to test your site on each of the browsers that exist. These include Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. If you notice any issues, make sure to get these fixed before you publish them. You only have one chance to impress customers, and if your site doesn’t work, they will find one that does.

6. Share Your Site

Once you have fixed any issues with your site and published it to the web, you’ll then want to make sure you share the domain with others. Putting the link on your social media sites is a great way to accomplish that task. If you send out a newsletter, make sure to include it there as well and encourage people to visit.

7. Keep Your Site Updated

Just because you created a site, that doesn’t mean you are done. You need to make sure that you maintain your site and keep it up to date. If you are offering content, make sure you are changing this on a regular basis. You need to give people a reason to keep coming back.

Having a website is a must in this day and age. When it comes to creating your business site, make sure it loads quickly and offers people something of value. Those are essential in attracting customers to your site.