Made mujaddara for lunch.
Made some homemade kombucha.
Mike had an at-home workout session using exercise bands he bought cheaply.
Kids did yoga at home following a youtube video.
Got hand me down steamer from my friend.
Bought a set of second hand chairs from another friend for cheaply (and got free transportation, since my mom was in the area anyhow with her car).
Figured out how to fix the rickety chairs so they’re perfect.
Mike painted some walls at home, using paint we had already at home.
Made coffeebucha.
Mike and I had an at home workout session.
Made homemade chili powder.
Made vegan red bean chili cornbread casserole.
Made homemade gluten free vegan tortillas.
Made homemade vegan mayo.
Used leftover water from steaming fish and pumkin as fish broth, and froze it for later use.
Lee completely broke his sandals to the point of them no longer being usable. I bought Lee sandals from a cheap store. There was a sale of buy one, get the second half off, so with the store’s permission, another lady in the store and I combined our purchase to get the sale, and we split the savings.
Lee had no shorts he’d agree to wear (sensory issues) so I bought shorts for Lee and Ike, on sale also, with the second pair $2. So I got 6 pairs of nice, brand new shorts for $25.
Used left over fish to make fish jambalaya, using super soft tomatoes that needed to be used ASAP.
Went to the grocery store and bought produce, which I needed desperately. Other than a few onions, I only bought reduced rack stuff- tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, zucchini, peaches, nectarines, and mangos.
Started the process of making carob powder.
Got my iherb order in the mail.
Foraged yucca and passion fruit.
Set up chickpeas to soak.
Picked up a bulk order from abroad, in another city. Timed my trip so I could get a ride back with my dad who was driving in my direction then anyhow.
While in the city anyhow, stopped at the farmer’s market, set myself a limit of $5, and got a bunch of cheap produce- melons, pumpkin, butternut squash, fennel, and corn. Got free mango, cucumbers, cauliflower leaves that otherwise would have been tossed.
Bought the cushioning needed to finish making our couch.
Foraged purslane and lambsquarters.
Made a legume supper, using up some super soft tomatoes.
Brought along food with me on my trip so I wouldn’t need to buy while out.
Cooked and froze some corn that needed using up immediately.
Cooked 2.2 lbs of chickpeas in the pressure cooker.
Made lentils as the protein for lunch and supper.
Saved the water from steaming veggies to use for broth.
Finished making our homemade couch/shoe box.
Kids foraged a lot of passion fruit and grapes.
Made chilled mango soup from the super soft mangos.
Froze chickpeas in two cup portions to be used for recipes calling for cans of chickpeas.
Got a hand me down backpack for one of my boys.
Made homemade hummus.
Made homemade tahini dip.
Made 2 chickpea based, egg free, grain free cakes- brownies and chocolate chip blondies.
Mike dumpster dived a laptop.
Kids foraged grapes and passion fruit.
Made homemade kombucha.