I had a long day, I’m exhausted, so I’ll keep this intro short, and I’m not going to elaborate much on the notes I took all week. I had a pretty good and frugal week. General frugal stuff we did- laundry was all line dried, Rose was exclusively cloth diapered…
Made pancakes for breakfast.
Went shopping at the grocery store for some items I needed, stuck religiously to the short list- just bought one thing not on the list.
Made the shop quick enough to be able to use a transfer ticket on the way home.
Made cream cheese.
Made yogurt.
Made sunflower milk.
Made sunflower milk yogurt.
Make chocolate buckwheat raw granola.
Cooked up some chicken gizzards- cheapest meat I can get. Cooked it up with leftover eggplant salad and zucchini and an open can of tomato paste I had sitting in the fridge needing to be used up, plus some of the water from cooking the chicken gizzard, to make a sauce for rice.
Used gizzard water plus homemade sunflower milk and potatoes and fennel to make a cream of potato and fennel soup, with foraged fennel seeds.
Served yogurt with buckwheat granola and jam for breakfast.
Ground buckwheat and brown rice into flour.
Made buckwheat based gluten free bread.
Made veggie scrap broth.
Used apple cores I froze plus the last dregs of my unpasteurized apple cider vinegar “with the mother”, with sugar and water, to attempt to make homemade apple scrap vinegar.
Made lentil sloppy Sams with the veggie scrap broth, served on the homemade gluten free bread.
Served yogurt with buckwheat granola and jam for breakfast.
Made a leftover medley for lunch- sloppy Sams, rice, frozen canned peas, ratatouille with gizzards.
Contacted the company from which I bought some defective products- they said they’ll reimburse me.
Went clothes shopping at the second hand clothes store sale.
The latch to keep the stroller closed broke off, so my husband built a new latch.
Made a new batch of yogurt.
Foraged hollyhock leaves, nettles, purslane, and lambsquarters.
Times my buses properly so I could use a transfer, so I only paid 3/4 of the fare I would have otherwise.
Cooked foraged greens in peanut sauce.
Made homemade ice cream.
Made a vegan quiche with home ground chickpea flour.
What did you do to save money this week?