photo 100_6768_zps6db9496a.jpgIsn’t it great when you’re able to make homemade healthy versions of your favorite treats?

This recipe for buckwheat peanut butter crispies is like peanut butter rice crispies treats, except its not extruded and with a more nutritious and high protein pseudograin. They are delicious, and unlike what I was expecting, have a nice crunch, a little softer than peanuts.
This isn’t very sweet, just mildly sweet and yummy.
I based it on this recipe. You can make it vegan by using maple syrup instead of honey, as in the original recipe.

2 cups raw buckwheat groats
1/2 cup peanut butter plus 2 tablespoons (alternatively use almond butter or sunbutter)
1/2 cup coconut oil or palm oil (or butter)
2 heaping tablespoons raw honey (or maple syrup)
Coarse salt for sprinkling

1. Toast the raw buckwheat groats in a dry frying pan until lightly browned and they have a nice crunch, but aren’t too hard.

2. Mix the peanut butter, oil, and honey, and melt.

3. Add the buckwheat to the peanut butter mixture, mix well, then pour into molds. You can pour into silicon molds like I did, or just into a flat bottomed container.

4. Sprinkle with coarse salt.

5. Refrigerate.

6. When hardened, use a knife to cut into pieces.

7. Enjoy!

Are you a fan of peanut butter rice crispies treats? What do you think of this recipe? Does this look like something you’d try out?