When I first spotted that tree, I strained to reach as high as I could and pick as many blossoms as I could, because once I tasted them, I just wanted more and more and more.
Why is that?
Because they taste so delicious! They’re sweet and sour and taste really good. My kids could gobble them down by the handful.
Of course, after working so hard to reach the blossoms on the high branches, I discovered these smaller trees right near my house, all with flowers in easy reach.
This is what they look like at their peak in tastiness.
If those types of flowers look familiar, you’re probably right. Redbuds are in the pea/bean family and have the same banner, wings, and keel type petals.
You can use the flowers for putting in greens salads, in fruit salads, or even cooking them into foods like omelets, cakes or muffins. I plan on trying out putting them in gluten free cakes and pancakes this week. But honestly, I like them enough to just enjoy eating them plain.
There are no poisonous look alikes to this plant.
As for nutritional/medicinal info, I haven’t been able to find lots, other than the flowers are very high in vitamin C, the pods are high in protein, and that flowers and the seeds are very high in antioxidants as well as linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid. The seeds also have oleic and palmitic acids. (Not that I know what those are good for anyhow, but I assume it means they’re good for you.)
Off to do some more spring cleaning!
Have you ever seen redbud trees? Have you ever eaten their blossoms or pods? Do you like them?
So, who agrees with me that these blossoms are gorgeous? What are your favorite types of flowers?