I know I said I’d share instructions on how to make sushi today, but in the end I went in to town with the family to run errands, and I’m too tired to do a step by step tutorial with pics for the post. So that’ll have to be for another day.
Instead, I’ll leave you with a guessing game.
My day today involved:
A measuring tape
Unearthing a wooden box from our storage room
A broken huge mirror
Hunting around the city for a glazier, only to find out that the the telephone book is only aware of 4 in the city, none of them remotely close to where I was told there was one…
Finding a glazier eventually and having him cut me a 47 centimeter by 47 centimeter square of glass
Lugging said piece of glass home on a bus, all the while trying to get Ike to not kick it and shatter it
Some cardboard
Perhaps also some Styrofoam
Anyone want to put the clues together and figure out what I spent my day busy with?
Lets hear your guesses…