I was in the grocery store the other day, after coming back from my trip to Georgia, where we had a more limited diet (because I’m only going to be buying a few different spices and seasonings for cooking when traveling), and I was trying to come up with terrific menu ideas that would satisfy my cravings. I saw some feta cheese being sold at a good price, and right next to it saw green beans marked down to a really low price, and immediately was hit with inspiration for this salad. 

It hit the spot and I highly recommend it. It basically is a cross between Greek salad and Nicoise salad, and is pretty frugal. (My getting my olives at a scratch and dent store made it even more frugal.) If you don’t have feta cheese, you can use any other salty semi soft brined cheese. When eating my meal I felt like I was eating at a nice restaurant. Pairing it with some gluten free bread, ideally toasted, makes it a terrific and easy meal.

Mediterranean Green Bean Salad Recipe — Gluten Free, Allergy Friendly, and Easy


2 cups packed frozen green beans

4 medium tomatoes

1/4 – 1/3 cup of pitted black olives

1/2 purple onion, diced

3/4 cup diced/crumbled feta or feta like cheese

1/4 cup white wine vinegar 

1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 teaspoon oregano

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1/4 teaspoon salt or to taste

1. Pour boiling water over your green beans to defrost them (or you can just wait, but why would you want to?).
2. Chop your tomatoes however you like. I made mine in slices, but anything you enjoy is fine.
3. If your olives aren’t already pitted, remove pits. 
4. Dice your onion finely.
5. Cut your feta into chunks. If it crumbles, it is fine. You just don’t want things in such large pieces. 
6. Put the first 5 ingredients in a bowl together.
7. Mix the rest of the ingredients until as uniform as possible.
8. Pour over the salad. Mix well.
Enjoy either plain or with toast. Leftovers also taste great. If there’s anything left.
Does this look like the type of salad you’d enjoy? Have you ever had something like this? Are you likely to try this recipe?