Reclaiming the Word “Fat” and other “Bad” Words
Fabulously fat me, dressed up as Morticia I needed to go clothing shopping and asked in a local Facebook group where I could find a clothing store for fat women. And in addition to a lot of helpful suggestions I got so many comments about my choice of language. “Plus size women. Not fat women.” […]
Don’t Wait Too Late for Life Insurance
If you’re like me, you probably don’t want to think too much about death and what happens after we die. We’re young and hope to live a long life, so why plan for our deaths just now? And besides, it’s expensive, complicated, and just feels irrelevant. But unfortunately, disasters happen, and people die way before […]
Money Management: How To Live Well On Social Security
As someone with disabilities who got approved for disability recently, I’ve heard much about the challenges of getting approved for disability, and how complicated it is to live well once you get it. Here are some ideas on how to get approved more easily and how to live well once you get it. Roughly 12% […]
Recent Frugal Accomplishments
I used to do this weekly, writing about the frugal accomplishments I had done over the past week. But then life got busy, and life got unfrugal, and I didn’t have much to write… And then I started this up again, a few weeks of frugal activities in one post so I looked more accomplished… […]
Pros and Cons of Universal Life Insurance
In life it is healthiest not to dwell on the woulda, coulda, shouldas… but it is hard not to. One of my biggest regrets financially is that I never got life insurance. We didn’t have money to pay for life insurance in the past, and now that I might actually have money for it, no […]
Details About My First Car — Why and How I Chose it, and How Much It Cost Me
I posted about getting my first car 2 months ago but I didn’t do any follow up posts because I first wanted to get everything right with it and I was afraid to jinx it… And now I’m worried about posting about it because I don’t want people to call me negative things such as […]
My Ridiculously Easy Slightly Nutritious Go-To Meal — Gluten Free Comfort Food
It is kind of ridiculous that I’m posting this, but I’m trying to be honest about where I am in life… But I’ve been having a hard time in so many different areas, either in physical pain or emotional or just thoroughly exhausted, so productivity and energy levels are pretty slim. But even so, I […]
3 Essential Things to Know About Walk-In Baths
Dealing with physical as well as mental disabilities I’ve been aware of how many things are needed to make places disability friendly. A very common issue people with disabilities face is difficulty bathing. There are many different ways to make a home more accessible for bathing, and a walk-in bath is one of them. Here […]
What’s Been Up With Me
If you haven’t noticed (how can you not?) I haven’t been posting a lot recently, and I wanted to explain why. First off, I’ve been dealing with a ridiculous amount of exhaustion, and sleeping took up so many of my hours. In the time that was left, I needed to take care of my kids […]
Signs You Should Hire A Professional Cleaning Service
Have you ever hired cleaning help? I’ve done it sporadically, mainly for dishes when my dishwasher was broken and my body hurt far too much to wash my dishes. When the place is a mess and you can’t handle the cleaning for any reason, you might want to hire someone to clean your place. This […]