What’s Been Up With Me
If you haven’t noticed (how can you not?) I haven’t been posting a lot recently, and I wanted to explain why. First off, I’ve been dealing with a ridiculous amount of exhaustion, and sleeping took up so many of my hours. In the time that was left, I needed to take care of my kids […]
Signs You Should Hire A Professional Cleaning Service
Have you ever hired cleaning help? I’ve done it sporadically, mainly for dishes when my dishwasher was broken and my body hurt far too much to wash my dishes. When the place is a mess and you can’t handle the cleaning for any reason, you might want to hire someone to clean your place. This […]
Our Fun Packed Summer on a Budget
When I homeschooled my kids we took advantage of down times, when everyone was in school, in order to go on trips. Going places that are packed on buses that are packed with other people on holiday makes it really stressful to go places, so in general I avoided them once my kids were in […]
My Life with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
As I was filling out the paperwork for my disability hearing, I had a hard time answering some of the questions. “How long have you had this issue?” and it wanted me to put in a start date. Except how do I even answer that? I’ve only known that I had Ehlers Danlos Syndrome less […]
Applying for Disability
I had a long and exhausting day yesterday. No, it wasn’t a day traipsing around in the hot sun on lots of errands carrying heavy bags. It was a day entirely at home, but no less exhausting. I’ve got a bunch of different health issues. And I’ve been planning on applying for disability because of […]
When “Drugs” Are Actually Good; How Narcotics Are Now Being Used Medicinally
I wrote this article a few months back for someone but in the end they didn’t want it published, so I had it just sitting there, unused and unpublished. But it is so jam packed with useful information that I felt I needed to share it with you. Between when I wrote this and now […]
Exciting News!
I have really exciting news, nearly 3 years in the making! In the summer of 2019, I needed to fly to the US (long story, ridiculous situation), and I decided that while I was there I would renew my American driver’s license that I had gotten at the age of 18 and expired on my […]
Fed Up With Government Sanctioned Ableism
I have had it up to here with ableism. Ableism is discrimination in favor of able-bodied people. This means when people with disabilities (of any sort) are treated like second class citizens, or worse. I must admit that I used to be completely oblivious to this, but once I came to terms with having mental […]
Understanding How Medical Alert Systems Work
As our loved ones get older, we need to start thinking about how to take care of them should something happen. A good way to help keep them safe, as well as keep your mind at ease because you know they’ll be able to get help easily is to set up a medical alert system. […]
Planning a Fun Summer on a Budget
Sometimes I miss homeschooling my kids. We weren’t bound to a school year schedule and could take trips whenever suited us. However, now with all my children in school we only have off around the holidays and summer break, so any trip we do is then, with all the crowds and packed buses and it […]