Doozy of Diagnoses for Me and How I’m Handing It

This post is hard for me to write. Because while I want to share things with you, especially those of you who’ve been following my journey, it’s also hard for me to accept these things for myself, let alone share them with others. And beyond accepting them myself, there is also accepting all that it […]

Spending Money on Private Care vs Using What Insurance Covers

What most people who read my blog, and honestly most people who know me, don’t know, is that I live in an incredible amount of pain. Every day. I can’t say every second of the day, but a lot of the time. And it’s not just one part of my body that hurts, but many […]

A New Way I Learned To Save Money on Public Transportation

This post is dedicated to my friend Babs who is responsible for this way I’ve been saving money lately. I live without a car. Once in a while I’ll rent one, but I use the bus generally to get around. Where I live there’s a bus to the nearest city, and if the intercity bus […]

Saving Money on My Electricity

Everybody has a story to tell about saving money on electricity, especially mothers who need to create a family budget monthly. Your electricity consumption rate depends on several factors, such as the appliances you frequently use and the size of your household. Switching off unused appliances and lights, as well as choosing the right electricity […]

Time to step up: How to help a loved one after they become disabled

Some people are born disabled, but for other people it happens later in life. If someone you love recently became disabled, here’s some tips from a reader on how to be the best ally for them possible. When someone we know and love suffers a huge physical or mental change, they turn to friends and […]

How Planning And Charities Can Help Parents Raising Disabled Children

I’m lucky that I live in a place where getting disability payments from the government for kids with disabilities is not so difficult (well, depending what the disability is). But for those that don’t, the extra costs entailed by living in a society not designed for disabled people including kids can be quite costly. This […]

Update on My Kids’ Schools

As someone who used to homeschool, then sent to school, then homeschooled again, then sent some to school, and then sent the rest to school, I’ve definitely shared a lot with you about the educational journey my family has been on. Add to that the two kids with Autism and our journey for special ed, […]

We Got a Trampoline!

My 5.5 year old daughter Rose is extremely delicious and cute, but also has lots of behavior issues (due in no small part to her autism). One of the things that is most difficult for me, though, is that because of her sensory issues, she’s nearly always sensory seeking, looking for ways to get sensory […]