Homemade Carob Powder and Carob Syrup from Foraged Carobs

Once upon a time I thought cocoa was bad for you. I know many still think that, but I’m not in that camp anymore. However, when I thought cocoa was bad for you, I learned that carob powder works to make a decent replacement for cocoa powder. Well, when I say replacement, I don’t mean […]

Foraging Wild Onion and Garlic- Allium Family- Free Foods

My favorite type of stuff to forage are those things that replace the stuff that I would be using anyhow. Therefore, when I first discovered wild onion/garlic 3 months ago upon a visit to my sister, I was ecstatic, and since then, I’ve found two more types growing close to home. Wild onions or garlic? you probably […]

Foraging Large Num Nums- Natal Plums, Carissa Macrocarpa- Wild Edible

I went to the beach today with my mom and kids. And even though we brought our own food along with us, we were very excited to discover that the num nums were in season and ready to eat. Yes, there really is a food called num nums. Large num nums in particular. Sounds inappropriate, […]

Foraging Chickweed- Wild Edibles

I’ve been a little out of it in the past week. Lots of things going on, getting into lots of drama with friends and aquaintances over stupidity, and then on top of that, Mike’s accident on Saturday. It’s all left me feeling rather blah and out of it. Not under the weather physically, but mentally […]

Treasure Hunting- For Mushrooms and Other Wild Edibles

Today I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful woman, Lea (name changed), an author, urban homesteader, and forager like myself, who I knew from a foraging group I was part of, who just happens to be visiting a city right near where I live, and is leaving in a few days. I teach wild […]

Foraging Pink Peppercorns- and the Difference Between Different Types of Pepper

Some people, like my husband, think everything tastes better with ketchup. Other people, like myself, think everything tastes better with salt. My uncle Jay, on the other hand, thinks that there isn’t a single thing in the world that doesn’t taste good with pepper on it. In fact, his motto is “Nothing can ever have […]

Foraging Cactus Paddles- Nopales/Nopalitos- and Prickly Pears- Tunas

Do you know how often people pick or eat one part of a vegetable or plant, having no clue that another part of that same plant is also edible, and in many cases, even more useful and tasty and versatile than the part they’d been eating until then? (If you want to know more about […]

Foraging Olives- Homemade Pickled Olives and Olive Leaf Medicine

One of my favorite things to do is to start chatting with older women, ideally non Americans, about their life as a child, and about various food preparation methods from when they were growing up. I find I learn so much this way, much more “real information” than I’d get if I’d just open a […]

Foraging Sumac- Edible Wild Plant

Having grown up in a climate completely different than the one I live in now, and having only really taken up foraging seriously lately (as in the past year or two), there aren’t many things that I forage now that I foraged growing up. Sumac, though, is one of the exceptions. We used to go […]

Foraging Yucca Blossoms- Wild Edibles

Yucca is probably one of those foraged plants that people most commonly get confused with something else that they buy in the grocery store. (Plantain is probably the only plant that gets confused more often.) Yucca, the wild edible, spelled with 2 c’s, is in the asparagaceae family, and is related to asparagus.  It is […]