Foraging Ice Plant Fruit- Hottentot Figs, Sour Figs, Sea Figs

I would call myself a pretty adventurous eater. I mean, I eat banana peels, how can I not be adventurous? I also love foraging, finding new types of wild edibles to pick and eat. So when I heard that the fruit of the ice plant was edible, I knew I had to try it out. Last year […]

Foraging Redbud Blossoms

Aren’t those flowers just too beautiful? Would you believe me if I told you that not only are they gorgeous, they’re also edible?  I pass this tree whenever I go to check my mail, but never paid much attention to it. One day though, one of my favorite foragers posted about foraging redbud blossoms and […]

Foraging Shepherd’s Purse and Homemade Shepherd’s Purse Tincture Recipe

I think I’d heard of shepherd’s purse for the first time on a pregnancy forum, discussing ways to shorten postpartum bleeding. It was touted as a terrific cure for that as well as problematic menstrual cycles,and that you could buy it at any pharmacy that carried natural medicines. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that […]

Foraging Stinging Nettles

I’m not a masochist in any way. Yet I eat thorns. Milk thistle that is. And one of my favorite foraged plants is a plant that makes sure to sting you every time you try to pick it unless you are extremely careful. And one time, I actually specifically tried to get stung by it- can […]

Foraging Wood Sorrel and Some Traditional Foods vs Science Controversy

A bunch of wood sorrel plants As kids, we used to call this plant either “lemon” or “clover” (neither of them correct), depending on our mood. It was the first wild edible I ever learned to identify- I remember picking it in our backyard as young as 4 or 5 years old and popping it […]

Foraging Mallow

A giant mallow leaf, large enough  to cover 4 year old Lee’s entire face So, I’ve heard it’s been snowy and cold in the US and Europe, or at least in the northern areas. Locally, however, though it is much cooler than it is during the summer, our winters are mostly just rainy, wet, and […]

Foraging Mallow

A giant mallow leaf, large enough  to cover 4 year old Lee’s entire face So, I’ve heard it’s been snowy and cold in the US and Europe, or at least in the northern areas. Locally, however, though it is much cooler than it is during the summer, our winters are mostly just rainy, wet, and […]

Foraging for Purslane

Purslane sauted in butter with onions and garlic. I love foraging. I love writing posts about foraging here on my blog. But every time I go to write a post on foraging, I start questioning myself.  Will this post actually help most of my readers? Does this plant actually grow where my readers live and […]

Foraging for Purslane

Purslane sauted in butter with onions and garlic. I love foraging. I love writing posts about foraging here on my blog. But every time I go to write a post on foraging, I start questioning myself.  Will this post actually help most of my readers? Does this plant actually grow where my readers live and […]

Homemade Pickled Capers, Caper Leaves, and Caper Berries

Foraged lacto-fermented capers If you live in a warm dry place, you’ve probably seen these plants growing everywhere. Any place that looks too inhospitable for any plant to possibly grow, thats where you’ll find these, whether you’re talking about in the middle of a wall of pure rock or in dirt that hasn’t seen any […]