Many a beautiful garment has been marred by a stubborn stain- we moms know that better than anyone else! To avoid ruining clothes and needing to buy new, keep in mind these few tips.
Stain Fighting
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Ben Franklin must have written that adage with stains in mind.
Avoiding Stains
- Bibs and Smocks. When Eating messy foods like tomato sauce, chocolate, beets, and wine, put on a bib or a smock, or tuck a napkin into your collar.
- Consider Underwear or Diapers. Remember that stains don’t confine themselves to the areas typically covered in bibs. Sleeves and pants stain as well! Consider stripping the kid (or even yourself if its just you at home) down to underwear or diaper; skin is more forgiving with stains than clothes.
- Designate Paint Clothes. When stripping isn’t an option, set aside one outfit (previously damaged is better) to use whenever doing messy things, like eating staining foods, or painting.
- Be Careful. Easier said than done, but deserved a mention anyhow.
Cheap Stain Removers
Stain Removal Tips
Hot Water– Wash oil and fruit juice based stains in hot washes. Alternatively, pour boiling water on them into a wash basin so you don’t need to do a partial load on hot.
How do you fight stains frugally?
This is part of the Cutting Clothing Costs series.
Part 1- Stain Fighting
Part 2- Launder Correctly to Save Your Wardrobe
Part 3- Sew to Save Your Clothes
Part 4- Forget Ironing (Coming soon!)
Linking up to Thrifty Tip Tuesday, Penny Pinching Party, and Works for Me Wednesdays.