I’m not a believer in gyms, so if you’ve got a lifetime membership to Curves or Lucille Ball, you might not find this post as relevant.

Once upon a time, there was no such thing as going to the gym to work out. Life itself was a workout, from chopping wood to lugging water to working in the field, etc. People, for the most part, were strong and physically fit just by living.
Today we live a much more sedentary lifestyle- for the vast majority of us, we need to make a specific effort to keep healthy and in shape. Hence the prevalence and popularity of gyms.
Gyms have plenty of benefits, such as the access to special equipment and machinery to help you get into and stay in shape without needing to lay out money and set aside space in your home for your own exercise equipment. Gyms also allow you to be in an environment that promotes fitness, gets you revved up and in the mood of working out, with only adult company so you don’t have any children pulling on your shirt, vying for your attention, and stopping you from exercising. However, gyms are also quite expensive once you add up membership/entrance fees, childcare for while you’re there, as well as the cost of transportation.

The Gym- At Home

I feel that gyms are a waste of money, because in addition to my not wanting to pay to be in shape when, if we lived more similarly to how our ancestors lived, we could eliminate the need for “pointless workouts” entirely, I also believe that with the right planning, workouts at home can have all the benefits of a gym without the attached price tag..

The methods I use to work out at home cost nothing, are fun, burn calories as well as build muscle, utilize no special equipment, and involve your kids, ensuring a good time for all and no whiny clingy kids trying to stop you from exercising. Best of all, all these ideas work even in the smallest of homes; if I can do this in my under 500 square foot home, so can you.

Setting The Mood
In order to get a gym-like vibe in your home, you’ll need to do a few things to set the tone.
1. First, decide which room you will use. Living room, dining rooms, or dens are usually your best bet. You want the most potential floorspace possible. (I’ll write more about that later.) Once you decide which room will be your “gym”, clear the clutter from that room. Tripping over junk is not conducive to a good workout session. Make sure every surface, especially the floor, is clear.

2. Take anything out of the room that doesn’t need to be there. Push everything else against the walls and into corners if possible. You’ll want to avoid rooms with big clunky furniture that takes up all the floor space- that is why my bedroom would never be my choice for a workout room. The beds simply can’t be pushed aside.
If, for example, you’re using the dining room, push the table into the wall and pile all the chairs on top, and on top of each other if possible. Push anything else that will fit under the table. If you’re using the living room, push all the furniture to the side, and perhaps pick up the coffee table and put it on your couch, etc…

3. Get changed into exercise clothes. It helps do designate certain lightweight, comfortable clothes to be worn whenever you want to work out. These will be your “gym clothes” and preferably, you should wear them every time you work out, as your brain associates different clothing with different activities, and merely by putting on your “gym clothes”, you will start getting into the workout mode. (If you don’t believe this, ever notice that people act differently when they’re wearing beach clothing vs if they’re wearing formal clothing? Clothes really do “make the man.”) If you’re exercising with your kids, get them changed as well. This is part of the fun for them also.

4. Eliminate distractions. If you’re an easily distracted person, especially if you have ADD/HD, or even if you’re not, you want to turn off anything that might get your mind off your workout. TV off, computer off, cell phones put on vibrate, and no food cooking that might burn. If you were in the gym, you wouldn’t have any of these things around; why allow them to distract you at home?

5. Put on some good workout music. You chose whatever music you like, but I find that music with a quicker beat is the background music for an at home gym session. Slow music kind of makes me more lethargic, as does mournful melancholy music, neither of which is what you want when your goal is to burn calories and build your muscles.

6. If you can get your spouse or friend or older child to work out with you, this workout becomes even more enjoyable, as you challenge yourself and each other and push each other to not take the easy way out.

Workout Equipment
Not much of anything is needed by way of special exercise equipment, but the following things can help.

Aerobic/Cardiovascular Exercise Routine
In order to burn calories, build stamina, and just get in general shape, you simply need to do whatever it takes to get your heart racing. This usually is faster paced, should leave you breathless and sweating by the end, and can be mixed an matched as you like. What, specifically, you do, matters less than the speed in which you do it. Half hearted cardiovascular exercising isn’t much of a workout and won’t get you anywhere. It pays to do whatever it takes to get you winded.
I usually turn on a song and challenge myself to consistently do any one or more of the following for the entire duration of the song without taking even a second’s break. If that is too easy, try moving nonstop for 2 songs, etc.
These, for the most part, can be done while wearing a baby or toddler. Use your discretion- you don’t want any jiggling heads or anything like that.

Muscle Builders
Floor Workouts. You’ll want to use your yoga mat or folded blanket for these. Try doing as many of each as you can until you feel you can’t anymore, and then do 5 or 10 more. Then switch to a different floor workout and do that until you’ve reached your limit, etc.. Once you’ve gone through all the floor exercises you plan on doing, go back to the beginning and try doing them once again.

Standing Workouts
When you don’t feel like being horizontal anymore, you can do these vertical exercises to build your muscles. All of these can be done either while wearing your child or while holding weights in your hand.

I can go on and on about the different workouts you can do at home, but I’d never end. Instead, I’ll just tell you that when it comes to building a workout routine, youtube is your friend. There are so many ideas of different types of exercises, that once you get bored of one thing, there are plenty more from which to chose.
Some of the ones I’ve found are the Lifetime workout series, Expertvillage’s workout videos, At Home Workouts, and Home Workout Routines and a Pilates series.

So… what are you waiting for? Ready, set, workout!

Do you workout at home or at the gym? Where do you prefer and why? If you work out at home, what do you do to ensure a good workout, and what do you include in your workout routine?