I’m definitely a soup person. Year round, fill me up a bowl of delicious soup and you’ll find one happy girl.It doesn’t matter what time of year it is; I love it no matter what.
But no, I’m not the type who can sit down to a bowl of steaming chicken soup when sweat is dripping down my face. When I prepare and eat soup, I keep the weather in mind and choose the type of soup accordingly. My love affair with soup can partly be attributed to the fact that via soups cheap foods and seasonal produce can easily be put together to make the most delectable, palate pleasing combinations. Not only that, if prepared correctly, soup can not only made to complement the weather, but can also be used to effectively combat uncomfortable temperatures. Hot heavy soups warm tummies in the winter, but most people don’t think about the terrific cooling properties of chilled light soups during the warmer months.
I try to serve cold soups as often as possible during the summer. Not only does adding this extra course automatically turn any meal into a fancy meal, but I feel so refreshed after imbibing that chilled dish, despite the weather.
Here is a really awesome chilled cucumber soup I discovered recently and have since fallen in love with it. Its refreshing, delicious, crisp, simple to make, and ultra frugal. Best of all, as with everything on my blog recently, it is also gluten free!
Korean Cold Cucumber Soup Recipe- Oi Naengguk
2 regular cucumbers or 4 pickling cucumbers
2 cups cold water
3 tbsp soy sauce (use gluten free soy sauce if you need this to be gluten free)
1/4 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3.5 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp roasted sesame seed
2 green onions