Some juice pulp, ready to go into the freezer

People drink juice for all sorts of reasons.

Some go on a juice fast in an attempt to heal themselves- either to detox, to cure stomach ailments, or to cure cancer.
Some go on juice fasts in an attempt to lose weight.
Some drink freshly made juice because they believe that that’s the best way to absorb the nutrients and enzymes from fruits and veggies.
And some just drink juice because they like the taste.

One thing nearly everyone agrees about juice- it’s expensive!

If you buy store bought juice (I mean the real thing, not diluted and sweetened with sugar and other stuff), it’s expensive.
If you make your own juice, it’s also often expensive.
You know why?
Because it takes a LOT of fruit or vegetables to make a very minimal amount of juice! 
Think about it- juice is just the liquid that has been extracted from a fruit or vegetable, and most fruits and vegetables have a really large percent pulp, not just juice (aside from some noticeable exceptions like watermelon). So in order to make just one cup of juice, you often need 10-20 times the amount of fruit/veggies.
So, is it possible to actually juice frugally?
Here’s how.

Get Free Fruit and Veggies

Cheap Fruit and Veggies

While free is always cheapest, even if you can’t get your hands on free produce, there still are ways to get cheap produce with which to make juice.
Don’t Toss That Juice
Depending on the juicer, you may end up with a decent amount of liquid together with the pulp. Put the juice pulp into a cheesecloth, and squeeze out all the juice.
What to Do With Pulp
One of the things that makes juicing so expensive is that such a large percent of the produce gets turned into pulp, thrown in the garbage, and wasted. The internet has lots of ideas of what to do with produce pulp left over after juicing, and google, I’m sure, will give you many of them. Here are some ways, though, that I’ve tried, and my tips regarding them. (I would recommend not keeping any pulp from nopales, especially if you’re juicing the nopales without first removing the spines.)
  • Put in cakes. Most pulp should be fine added to any cakes- all fruit, and vegetables like beets, carrots, and zucchini should work. If you have a small amount of other types of pulp mixed in, you probably can also use that in a cake, as long as it is a really small amount. The internet is filled with recipes for juice pulp cake which you can use, or you can just play around and make up your own recipe.
  • Use for crackers. Officially you can make “juice pulp crackers”, which means just dehydrating juice pulp spread out to a thin layer to get a cracker type thing. I did this and was not thrilled with the results- instead of a cracker or bread type thing, I ended up with a vegetably tasting, rather fibrous “fruit leather”. Just mix the pulp into another cracker recipe, and adjust the recipe to taste. I don’t suggesting making “straight pulp” crackers.
  • Use in sauces. Veggie pulp can be added to tomato sauce and white sauce, as a way to sneak in nutrients.
  • Use in soup. Veggie pulp can be used to make a “vegetable soup mix” of sorts- just freeze and pull some out of the freezer as needed to be used as a base for a delicious soup.
  • Use as a filler instead of bread crumbs with ground meat to make burgers, meat loaf, or meatballs.
  • Use to make veggie patties.
Do you juice officially, or make fresh juice? Why do you make juice? How much do you think you spend on juicing? Is it expensive for you to juice? What do you do to lower the cost? What do you usually do with the pulp? Have you used any of these ideas?