This post is written by Chrysty Miles, a frugal lover who enjoys saving every single cent.

Preparing for a baby is an exciting time. It’s easy to get carried away and want to splurge on expensive goodies for your new arrival, but that is not always a possibility for many of us, so here are the top five tips for saving money when you’ve just had a baby.

1. Don’t buy too much
Many women (and their partners) will agree that nothing is more likely to elicit an ‘awww’ than picking out the tiniest of baby clothes for your newborn. In this “nesting phase,” it’s tempting to go all out, but you need to bear in mind how quickly a new born baby will grow — all those lovely little baby grows you buy will soon be too small in a couple of months. If you don’t mind using second hand items don’t be afraid to borrow from friends and family, many of them will be happy to see them put to good use. Buying newborn baby gifts from Tesco and other retailers will also help you save on baby clothes too. Don’t forget, you’ll undoubtedly receive lots of newborn baby gifts for your little one, so try to resist buying too much.

2. Buy cloth diapers
Cloth diapers are also an excellent way to save money if you don’t mind a bit of extra washing. You can save several hundred dollars. You can save on disposable diapers, too, if you buy in bulk (just don’t stockpile them, in case your baby outgrows them and you can’t use them all). There are even price comparison websites for nappies now.

3. Scour the Net
The Internet and social media also provide loads of opportunities for new mums with websites like Freecycle, where more experienced mums can give away items they no longer use. You’d be amazed at what you can find!

4. Breastfeed
One of the easiest ways to save money with a newborn is by breastfeeding. Aside from the health benefits, it means you don’t have to splurge on baby formula, bottles and sterilizers. Not only that, it cuts down on what you need to carry when you’re out and about and you have less chance of leaving something behind.

5. Choose toys selectively
Finally, most of us will have been to a new mother’s house and found there’s barely an inch of floorspace that isn’t scattered with toys. Remember, however, that in these formative years babies don’t judge the value of their toys by price but by how much fun they have with them, so be selective rather than splashing out on anything and everything.

This is a special time for you to bond with your infant. Get the best out of the time by making savings on expenses and leaving more money for the fun leisure time you can spend together.

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