I grew up with bunk beds. I think the first time I had a bunk bed I must have been as young as five or six, and had a bunk bed pretty much until I moved out. For me, bunk beds is the norm, not something interesting or weird, they’re a given for me. Here’s some pluses about bunk beds, sent in from a reader, that hopefully you’ll find interesting.
Kids naturally love fun and comfortable bunk beds. Climbing up and down the bunk bed ladder can be a nighttime adventure, and sleeping on the top bunk is a unique experience that your child won’t find in an ordinary bed. Your kids will also be sharing the bunk bed with one of their siblings so they will never have to sleep alone. There will be fewer monsters to be afraid of at night. Aside from the fun of having a bunk bed is the function and aesthetics it provides.
There are now many styles and functions of bunk beds to choose from, making them a worthy investment. The following are just some of the benefits your kids can enjoy from having a bunk bed:
1. Space Saving
One basic, twin-sized bed only accommodates one child. On the other hand, bunk beds can accommodate two or more kids for the space of one. Bunk beds are great space savers. With twin-sized bunk beds, so you get two twin-sized beds in a single space. With the extra space, you can bring in extra furniture or turn the free space into a play area. Your kids will have so much fun with the extra space, which they can use to play and exercise their creativity.
2. Functional
Some bunk bed makers offer functionality with built-in storage spaces. For instance, there are stairway bunk beds that use stairs, instead of ladders, with storage spaces underneath. This kind of bunk bed is excellent for smaller children who can’t climb up the ladder. What’s more, the storage space can be used to store your kids’ toys, books, or clothes. These accessible storage spaces will encourage your kids to consistently put away their things after they use them.
Bunk beds not only offer storage space, but they can also transform into sofas when not in use. There are bunk beds that have a built-in study desk, which your kid can use for doing homework and making drawings. The flexibility of these bunk beds allows your kids to use them for a variety of purposes.
3. Encourages Bonding
Bunk beds are a way for children to have their own space and still share some space with their siblings. With these kinds of bunk beds, your children will enjoy more bonding moments with their siblings without anyone intruding on anyone’s personal space when they sleep. Your children can laugh, share stories, and converse with each other through the night, increasing their bonds and friendships with each other.
4. More Fun Than Basic Beds
A bunk beds can naturally increase the fun in any kid’s room. For example, this DIY quadruple bunk bed can accommodate three to four kids. If you have several children, your kids can share an entire room, despite limited space. Bunk beds allow your kids to each have individual beds, which will give them their own space but allow them to bond with their siblings. Having your kids share one bedroom means they will be having more fun and more opportunities to catch up with each other’s daily activities and adventures.
5. Encourages Imagination During Sleepovers
If you only have one child or two, a bunk bed is a great way to arrange for sleepovers. Bunk beds provide extra room for kids who will be sleeping over at your house. Children are naturally energetic, and a bunk bed can be used as a place to play in, as well as sleep in. Your kids can imagine the bunk beds as spaceships or caves and enrich their imagination. Moreover, the space encourages storytelling and bonding.
6. Provides Adventure
The features of a bunk bed give kids the ability to go up and down the ladder; this can give your kids a chance to have one more adventure before bedtime. What’s more, the storage spaces and pull-out bed feature of some bunk beds encourage your kids’ imagination, since the bunk bed is not just a piece of furniture to sleep on.
Final Thoughts
Maximize your small space—or simply maximize the fun—by getting a bunk bed for your kids. Bunk beds offer an exciting experience for your little ones. The furniture offers many benefits that cater to your child’s practical and developmental needs.
More than just a piece of furniture to sleep on, bunk beds offer extra space, and a chance for imagination to flourish and bonding to happen between siblings and friends. What’s more, a bunk bed’s flexibility and space-saving benefits mean that it also serves a practical purpose, more than just an area for play and sleep.