Meeting My Daughter’s Needs Where She Is Through a Sensory Diet and More
Rose, getting in her sensory need to be in a confined space I love my kids to pieces, but I must admit that the child that is the hardest to parent, is my youngest child, Rose, on the autism spectrum. One of the hardest parts in parenting her is her constant energy, meltdowns, and destruction. […]
Benefits of Bunk Beds for Your Kids
I grew up with bunk beds. I think the first time I had a bunk bed I must have been as young as five or six, and had a bunk bed pretty much until I moved out. For me, bunk beds is the norm, not something interesting or weird, they’re a given for me. Here’s […]
My New Ring
I’m not quite sure the first time I heard about the cultural significance of semicolons. It seems to have gained popularity in the past year or so, but Google tells me that it started in 2013 with something called Project Semicolon, but became prominent in 2015. Have you ever seen anyone with a semicolon tattoo? […]
Do I need coverage for all house repairs?
As a homeowner, there’s so many things I need to think about that I didn’t need to think about as a renter. One of the biggest ones is homeowners insurance. While I have a warranty for certain things for the first period of time because I bought a new home, insurance is very important. This […]
The Importance Of Sleep For Frugal Living
I need a lot of sleep. I used to hate sleeping, but in the past few years I’ve needed more and more sleep. I still don’t like going to sleep, but once I get into bed, I don’t want to get up. I never thought about the connection between sleep and frugal living, but when […]
The Zucchini Trick
I’ve mentioned this trick already a few times on my blog, but it is one of the things I do most often that I figured it was worthy of its own post, and not just to be buried within other posts. I like ground meat. I find it versatile and tasty, not to mention being […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week
Ok, I’m on week two of my “share my frugal accomplishments on a weekly basis, even if the list isn’t so long”, so here it is. I’m trying to look at what I did do, and not just what I didn’t do. I will try to post this regularly on Fridays. Frugal in the Kitchen […]
Healthy Snack Ideas For The Whole Family
I love healthy fresh food, but I’ll admit, often I can’t think of what healthy thing to eat, so end up just grabbing some cereal or a bag of chips or a candy bar, even though it doesn’t satiate me the same way.Here’s some ideas from a reader on some healthier snack ideas. Having 3 […]
Feeding a Large Crowd Easily and on a Budget, My Go To Trick
There’s this couple that I’ve had over as guests a few times, because I really like their company. The third time they came over, they mentioned something about how I always serve the same thing. Not that they dislike it, they specifically like it, but they know that’s what to expect when they come to […]
A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Prepare A Perfect No-Cook Ice Cream Base
Ice cream! My favorite! This post from Sam Davids has got some great ideas how you can make your own ice cream from scratch, in a variety of different flavors. Can’t wait to try it out. Everyone loves ice cream, no argument there. What everyone doesn’t know is that making your ice cream is healthier […]