The Benefits Of Assisted Living

Have you heard the adage "Be nice to your kids, they'll be choosing your nursing home?" Because right now, that phrase is more relevant to me than this post, especially since my parents are only in their sixties. However, those of you more advanced in age or with parents of an older age may be thinking of it, so I hope you enjoy this post. And even if you are nowhere near the age, if this is something important to you, it is something that you can start saving up for now.

As you start to age, your mental capacity will start to decline, and your body becomes more susceptible to illnesses and diseases. You’ll have less energy and endurance during this time of your life, making it challenging for you to accomplish simple tasks and maintain your daily routine.

Assisted living can be a great option so you can continue to function even as a senior. With this service, you can still live on your own and follow your usual routine because a caregiver will assist with your day-to-day tasks. Assisted living can also mean living in retirement homes, independent living facilities, retirement care facilities, nursing homes, and supportive housing.

You’ll have to spend money to pay for assisted living costs, but this payment is actually cost-effective as you’ll be able to enjoy the following benefits:

1. Cheaper Than Nursing Homes

Since seniors will usually have limited sources of income by this time, they have to be careful in choosing, cause there may be unexpected or hidden costs of assisted living depending on the facility. So they have to make sure that they end up with a residence that provides optimal care with affordable costs.

Assisted living can be an excellent option if money is tight for seniors. This living arrangement is cheaper than other available facilities because continuous medical care is not provided. As the name suggests, assisted living means utilizing the services of a medical professional only when you need one.

Aside from being cheaper, assisted living is also affordable because seniors can make use of financial assistance from veteran’s programs and long-term insurance. These services will make it easy for you to afford a senior-friendly living arrangement without having to experience a lot of financial stress in the long run.

2. Encourage Social Engagement

A lot of seniors choose to live alone because they fear that their presence will become a burden to their families. Seniors will follow specific dietary and medical needs, and paying for all of these can result in a lot of expenses.

However, isolating yourself from your own social circle can actually do more harm than good. As a senior, living alone can trigger feelings of depression and loneliness and can put your mental health at risk.

Assisted living facilities can prevent these from happening. This living arrangement allows seniors to live in a community surrounded by friends and staff who will continually encourage them to participate in various social activities.

Assisted living facilities create a diverse and dynamic ambiance to motivate seniors to take up new hobbies, create new friendships, join fitness classes, and even travel to different locations. Living in this kind of environment can ward off stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

3. Ensure Safety

Seniors are prone to a lot of safety risks when they are at home. They can trip on electrical wirings, slip on wet bathroom floors and injure themselves when carrying heavy items. Some seniors can even suffer from accidents at home, especially if they can’t move without the assistance of other people.

Assisted living facilities prioritizes in keeping seniors safe, which means that unlike when you live in your home, these facilities offer a senior-friendly residence.

Instead of merely stepping into a slippery bathroom floor, you can grab onto a bar as you shower. Ramps are also available so you can easily get in and out of the facility even when you are using mobility aids such as wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and canes.

For emergencies, panic call buttons are available in different areas of the assisted living facility. All of these extras can guarantee safety, as these can minimize the possibility of injuries and accidents.

4. Enjoy Independence

Because of age, seniors will have limited abilities. But regardless of how much they need help, most of them do not want to ask for it. Seniors don’t want other people to pity them, which is why they would try to move and accomplish tasks on their own.

If you share the same sentiment, you don’t have to worry. When you choose to reside in assisted living facilities, you can enjoy independence and still have a lot of fun. This living arrangement actually encourages seniors to do what they can, and professional help is only given whenever needed by the senior.

If you can still walk on your own and cook meals for yourself, the staff of the facility will allow you to do all of these tasks. But if you have difficulties in cleaning your own space, the staff of the facility will step in and provide assistance.

With this kind of setup, you can stay on your regular routine and make use of professional help only with the tasks you can no longer do on your own. You can continue to live with dignity while having fun as a senior!

5. Longer Free Time

When seniors live in their own homes, they have to accomplish a lot of household tasks. This means that they will still be responsible for cleaning the house, maintaining the garden, and cooking their meals.

Aside from not having the physical abilities to accomplish all of these with ease, spending the entire day working can worsen any seniors’ health conditions. Engaging in rigorous activities can take a toll on seniors’ health and safety, especially if they are living alone.

Since caregivers are present to help you accomplish challenging tasks, assisted living facilities lets you to enjoy longer free time. Instead of spending an entire day maintaining your property alone, assisted living facilities can give you more leisure time so you can enjoy a good book, plan a trip abroad, or catch up with an old friend.

Having this much time on your hands can help you live a more fulfilling life, even as a senior. Your routine won’t be the same every day, and you’ll learn to have fun in every activity you’re involved in!

6. 24/7 Professional Care

Your body will function differently once you become a senior. If running for miles was your hobby back when you were still a teen, you won’t be able to do the same when you start to age. In fact, for most seniors, completing simple household chores is already a challenge for them.

The availability of professional care is one of the biggest benefits you can enjoy through assisted living facilities. With this living arrangement, you’ll have 24/7 access to professional and compassionate caregivers who can assist with all of your daily activities. They will help you dress, bathe, and maintain your hygiene.

These caregivers will also provide medical assistance to ensure that you take the right medication on schedule. This service is vital, especially if you’ll have to take several medications at different times.

Small Details Count

If you think assisted living facilities best fits your needs as a senior, start looking for options as soon as possible. Assisted living facilities are common today so expect that you can come across several options.

Taking the time to assess your current and future health needs and budget is a great start when choosing assisted living facilities. You should also choose an assisted living facility that provides entertainment and creates a pleasing ambiance as these are crucial for seniors.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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